Polar Opposites

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Harry's POV.

When you turn 24, your mother starts to brag about you getting married. She wants you to get settled with a girl and have babies so she can have mini yous.

Same happened to me when I came home after a hectic business meeting. Being a young business man is not a piece of cake.

As soon as I chewed the first bite of my salad. My mother started rambling about a girl she saw and wants me to meet her.

"I told you I'm not ready for commitment. " I said and mom scoffed. She eyed my sister and she nodded. I looked at them skeptically.

"What is it? " I asked, raising my fork.

"At least see the picture. " Mom insisted and I huffed. Gemma slid the envelop towards me and I looked at them with wide eyes.

"Your walking around in the house with that thing." I said and they both rolled their eyes. How ironic!

"Fine. " I gave in and sighed, resting back on my chair and violently tore the envelope.

"Be careful honey. You don't want to destroy the picture. " mom said and I took the picture out.

A girl not more than 20 years old. Wearing a skinny jeans and a sweater.  Her hair long and dark. Her eyes a little sparkly. Complexion was okay as well. Height not more than 5.6 . She was next to her mother I assume Smiling, her arms wrapped around her mother's shoulder .

"She's okay. " I said and threw the picture towards Gemma and she gasped.

"He's never going to get married mom. " She said and mom was glaring at me. I raised my eyebrows.

"What ? You wanted me to look at the picture. I did! Now no more discussion I'm going to bed. " I said and left the table, dismissing them rudely.

I was in my study room, doing some research for the next meeting. Someone knocked at the door and I sighed.

"Come in. " I said and mom peaked in. She gave me a small smile and came inside. Sitting in front of me.

"What is it mom?" I said, already being done of her face. I knew she wasn't here to kiss me or hug me. She was there to provoke me to a date with a girl.

After continous protesting. She started crying and I had to give in. Just as I said okay. Her tears kind of disappeared and she started to order me about my job and take a short break tomorrow.

I was going to spend a day away from me office! What the hell?



As soon as you enter your house and you are greeted with bunch of sisters and a hyped mother and father. Who have a new envelope in their hand.

Great another proposal!

I tried to avoid that envelope but they kept it in front of my fucking face until I didn't snatched it.

I looked at the picture for a minor second. A man not more than 25. Wearing those boring suit and tie. Looking like someone forced him to take a picture. But he was attractive but not my type.

What were they thinking? I always liked boys who were more chill and cool. This man was pure bore and black and white.

"He's okay. " I said throwing the picture on the bed and my sister grabbed it . She gasped and started bragging and crying that how was I taking the beauty for granted.

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