First Fight.

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Harry's POV.

I was so sick of being ignored in parties. Y/N was always busy with her university friends on every occasion. She would pay no attention to me at all .

This guy, Nuka was her college friend and all of a sudden he was so the main topic of every conversation. He started showing up in every occasion and almost become a part of her group .

We came back home after a gathering at her best friends. Nuka was there as well. Y/N was on the phone laughing loudly as she entered the house with me.

Her voice echoing and for the first time irritating me.

"I know right! That was the coolest story. " she gushed over the phone as she kicked her heals and walked towards the kitchen.

I glared at her, she was so into whatever she was talking about. She wasn't even glancing at me.

I hit my knee intentionally on the table next door and groaned. She didn't budged. She kept talking and didn't came to check me.

"Fuck it. " I said removing my blazer and shoes.

"I am thinking about inviting him. " she said and I looked at her. She walked towards me with a glass of water and handed me, walking away.

"I know! It's kind of amazing. He's so confident too. " she laughed and I felt more jealous with every passing minute.

Was he going to take her away. She was all about him infront of me then.

"I'll tell you about my plan. " she said.

She hung up and finally came back in the living room. She was humming a song back from the party and sat next to me on the couch.

"God I'm exhausted." she said and I snorted.

Y/N's POV.

He snorted when I said I was exhausted.

"Are you really? " he said, prominent sarcasm in his voice.

"What so sassy about it? " I asked calmly.

"Nothing. I second ago you were so hyped up with your best friend, gushing about that Chuka Muka." he said and I let out a laugh at his cute jealousy.

"Chuka Muka. It's Nuka harry. " I said moving my hand on his hair and he grabbed my hand, pushing it away.

I frowned when I saw him angrier than ever.

"What's wrong? " I asked and he shook his head.

"You don't have to give me attention now that we're alone. I don't want it. " he spat, getting up and throwing his phone on the couch and walking upstairs.

I walked behind him and he almost shut the door at my face.

"Why are you so angry Harry? I was hanging out with my friends like you were. " I said and he chuckled.

"Yeah! I was hanging out? I was barely there. You just introduced me to your bunch of friends and then started talking about stuff I didn't even know. " he said and I frowned.

"Go on. I know you're not finished. " I said crossing my arms and he glared at me, as he harshly threw his shirt on the chair.

"For a minute I thought I didn't even know you at all. " he said walking towards me.

"Harry, I asked you so many times during the party if you needed anything. " I said and he scoffed.

"That's not what I want! I introduce you to my friends so nicely. "

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