Hamilton's Daughter 5.

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Hi again people. This story is on its last chapters. Probably this is the third last.

Hope you guys liked the story so far. Do tell me if you guys need smut for this chapter. Because I am sort of confused if I should write smut for these two or not.

So. Help me!

Smut or No Smut? in the next chapter.

Author's POV.

They both lying down quietly. As Harry's hands were playing silently with her hair. She couldn't help but think of the days she's spend with Harry.

She stared at the clouds on top of them . It certainly felt like it will snow again. But that didn't stopped them both from enjoying their rendezvous.

"Harry? " she asks looking at the clouds at the sky.

He hums, adjusting himself to see her face. She was lost in thoughts, and view up her.

"What was your childhood like? " she asks and he takes a deep breath. Looking up at the sky. Trying to remember the good things that were hidden behind the dark times he spend alone.

"It was a good childhood. Not so bad. " he says and she frowns. She turns and rest her chin on his chest.

He sighs as he watches the pout face on Y/N.

"That works on your father, not on me. " he chuckles looking up again and he feels her tapping on his chest. He looks back at her to see her smiling.

The smile worked for Harry.

"Tell me now. " she smiles cutely and he smirks.

"It was good, " he says running his hand on her covered back. He chuckles as he remembers something, "I remember how Dad and I used to collect insects in jars. He'll take pictures of them and set them free. " he says and she smiles.

"Really? " she asks and he hums caressing her cheek. "We always asked Mom to cook something new. Mom loved to do experiments. We had pillow fights every night. Mom bringing hot chocolate. " he says and clears his throat.

"But it's all long gone. " he says nervously and she sighs. She lies her head on his shoulder, hugging him tightly.

"When did your father left? " she asks and she can feel Harry's heart beat faster than before.

"I was 8 when he died. Just after 10 years Mom left too. He had a heart attack. Plus he was a diabetic patient. " he says and she nods.

"I'm sorry for your lose baby." she says and he sighs, hugging her back. They didn't even realize what Y/N just called Harry.

"Like I said, everything is temporary. " he says letting her go and she kisses his cheek.

"Y/N! " Mr Hamilton shouts and she gets up. The voice came from downstairs. Harry and Y/N were on the rooftop, because Mr Hamilton asked Harry to clean up the snow from there too. Y/N helped him.

"Papa's calling. You're coming downstairs right? " she asks and he nods.

"I'll be there in a while. " he says still lying down on the bench. She walks towards the stairs but Harry calls her.

"Y/N. " he says getting up and she looks at him. "I like baby. " he says and she looks at him with wide eyes and groans as he laughs.

"That was a mistake! " she says and he chuckles as she walks down, smiling like a Cheshire cat.

"Where were you? " Mr Hamilton startles Y/N. "Why are you smiling? " he frowns and she looks at her father.

"Umm nothing. Harry and I just saw a bird. It was beautiful. " she says and Mr Hamilton eyes her skeptically.

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