Wedding Plans

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Y/N's POV.

I woke to be greeted with a shinning sun. Trying to light my face by coming from the gaps between the shades, hanging on the window. I sigh and rubbed my eyes.

I reached a little to see what's the time on my phone. It was 11 in the morning. I yawned and tried to close my eyes to clear my vision.

Soft snores filling the atmosphere . I was about to wake up but then I realized that my Fiancé waa still sleeping. His bare tattooed arm wrapped around me and I sighed. If I yanked it away the slightest... He'll wake up.

He would be justified if he wakes up because he'll be right that we should probably go to sleep. As we all went to sleep at 4 in the morning. But I needed to use the loo.

I slowly and gently tried to remove his arm but I couldn't push it any further, because after a little push I figured that he was fisting my shirt. Just in case...

"Seriously Harry. " I whispered getting annoyed. He knew I would have to go somewhere but still he does it.

I opened his culred fingers and then slowly but surely moved his arm. Placing gently on his own side. I finally got out of the bed.

I sighed and went to the bathroom. After coming out, I met a more loudly snoring man. I rolled my eyes but smiled.

This was the first time I succeeded. Maybe I'll become a pro before our marriage.

I went out of our room. The whole corridor was filled with mixed snoring voices, coming from each room.

We were in Peter Island Resort and Spa. Harry booked it for our families and friends. He always wanted a destination wedding. He was more excited when I said yes. I actually wanted a simple pink wedding. Typical right?

But soon I agreed to him when I saw what he had in mind. Harry told Niall that he can decide the food stuff for us. I don't mind at all. I trust Niall with my kitchen. Although I always found it empty after I always left him to my kitchen but still... He has great taste in food.

I walked in the kitchen of our temperary huge house. I was gulping my water when I saw Liam and his girlfriend asleep in the open air. I smiled as I remembered that they were the last one out here and said they'll go inside after a while.

I walked in the huge lounge and grabbed a blanket, I drapped it on them. They were all curled up on the mattresses Niall set up last night for our drinking party.

I walked back into my room and saw Harry sleeping.

I silently lied down next to him and quietly stared at my beautiful man.

"Staring me, won't forgive you for what you just did. " he whispered and I was caught stunned. I giggled snuggling closer to him trying to get into his arms but he didn't allowed. His eyes still closed, his cheek pressed against the pillow as he lied on his stomach.

"Oh come on! Can't I go for a pee. " I said and he hummed.

"So you're not going to cuddle me. " I said, poking his lips and he slapped my hand away, turning his face away from me.

"Hey! " I said getting offended and I pressed my upper body on his back to meet his face on the other side.

"Harry. Wake up. " I said and he hummed again.

For normal people a ' hum' means a yes or an agreeing sound. But for him. It was always a No.

"Y/N. Get off. You're squeezing me. " he mumbled and I smiled. I climbed on his back and he groaned.

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