Hamilton's Daughter 3.

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Author's POV.

Y/N's eyes gradually open as she sees fog in form of vapours on the windows in front of her. She let's out a hum when she looks at her left to see the foot of the couch.

She sighs as she realizes she fell asleep while playing board games with Harry. She smiles lazily as she thoughts of last night when Harry got bored of monopoly and brought chess board.

She feels small pinches on her feet as it indicated that her leg is numb. She feels something move on her upper thigh and her eyes go wide.

She thought it was the fluffy cousin or the board, she lifts the blanket to see Harry's head on her thigh as his hand placed next to him face. She puts the blanket back on his face and gets shocked.

"Fuck. " she whispers, getting up a little trying to wiggle out but it stirred Harry and he wakes up.

She freezes as he hums, running his nose on her jeans covered thigh. She looks at him with wide eyes as he realized it wasn't a pillow but a leg. He jerks up and his eyes meet with Y/N's.

"I'm so sorry. " he says so fast and she shakes her head aprupty and bashfully.

"S'alright. " she says quickly and he gets up grabbing his sweater and wearing it.

Y/N clears her throat and pushed her hair back as she gets out of the blankets herself. She stands up and starts to help Harry, as he starts to assemble the pieces and put them back in the box.

"Good morning. " An old voice startles them both and as they both lift their head, their heads bump into each other and they both wince looking at each other as they back off.

Y/N looks at the corridor as her father comes towards the living room. She walks towards him, taking his hand in her hand.

"Harry, you haven't brought my breakfast in bed today. " he says looking at Harry and Harry looks at the clock. It's 11 in the morning.

"I'm sorry Mr Hamilton, I over slept. " he says glancing at Y/N who looks at him.

"It's okay. Now that you two are up. We'll do it together. " he says giving a kind smile and Harry nods.

Harry walks to his bedroom, taking the board games in his hands. Y/N sighs as she sits next to her father.

"Papa. " she says and Mr Hamilton just hums as he reads the newspaper.

"I was thinking... " she bites her lip as she thinks of breaking the news to her father.

Hmm is the only response she gets for her to continue.

"I want you to come to Germany with me this time. " she says and Mr Hamilton looks up from the newspaper and looks at Y/N.

"What? " he whispers and she nods giving him a smile. He sighs, taking his glasses off.

"But what about this house. " he says and she sighs looking around.

"It's a beautiful house Papa but I don't want to live here. " she says and he stares at her for a while and wears his glasses again, reading the newspaper.

She looks at him with a questioning expression.

"Papa? "

"I can't leave this place. What about all the memories of your mother. What about the people. What about Harry?" he says and she sighs.

"Harry can live here. He can be a caretaker." she says and Mr Hamilton scoffs.

"He has a life Y/N. " he says and Y/N rolls her eyes.

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