My Bully 3.

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Y/N's POV.

It's been 2 weeks since Harry's weird behavior started. But after all these days I got a little used to it. If he wanted to be around then why not.

The best part was, that the bullying was all of a sudden stopped all over the school. Everyone were at peace and it made me happy.

I couldn't imagine by just a change in an individual can effect the whole community. It was amazing.

I walked towards his locker. He told me to do his maths problems the other day and I had done it . I put the notebook in the hanging bag on the locker. His locker was really cool. He had made it look cool.

"Who do you think you are? Touching his locker. " Someone snapped and I looked at me side to see Julie standing there.

"Umm, Harry gave me his notebook. " I said, I was about to continue explaining her but she kicked me in my abdomen, her heel almost digging into me. I groaned as I fell on the floor. Unable to get up or breathe properly.

People as usual started to gather but no one ever helped. The terror was back I guess. The bully was back.

"Keep that in mind princess. Make another move to make me mad. Next time the kick will be on your ugly face. Won't fail to make it more ugly. " she said hovering over me.

She pulled me up and I coughed. She grabbed a scissor from her bag and I cried. Trying to fight back.

Her scissors came near my long hair, my braids getting cut and I tried to push her but her other friends grabbed my hands.

"Help please. " I whimpered as I felt her knee kicking my stomach again.

"Hey! " someone yelled and I gasped.

"Julie. What the fuck are you doing? " Niall said as he pushed Julie back and the others backed off as well.

"Go mind your business you all before I make you all regret it. " He yelled in the corridor. Everyone going away.

"I'll deal with you later. " He snapped at Julie who just grabbed her bag and glared at me.

"Are you alright. " He said and I weakly nodded, sliding down against the locker.

"I'll go call Harry. You wait here. " He said and I nodded, wiping my tears.

I didn't wanted more drama so I thought I should escape. I grabbed my bag and Harry's note book. I walked towards the main door.

I had to get out of the school.

I took my bicycle and rode away weakly. My abdomen hurting, twice I stumbled with by cycle but I had to get away.

I got home safely and entered inside. Today it was silent. No yelling or cursing. I sighed as I walked towards my room. Curling into a ball on my bed. Clutching over my stomach as I cried.

I heard a knock on my window after a while. I looked up to see Harry standing there.

I wiped my tears and got up, opening the window.

"What are you doing here? " I asked but he didn't replied as he pushed me away and entered inside my room, throwing his bag aside . He closed the window and turned towards me as he moved close to me, grabbing my face.

"What happened? " he groaned and my lips quivered. I rested my head in defeat on his chest.

"They bully me still. I thought it will stop. But it didn't. " I cried, I felt his hands around my waist as he pulled me into a tight hug. My hands still on his chest .

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