Episode one: Pilot

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-may 4th 1332-

A boy ran through running on roof tops jumping to roof top to roof top as soldiers were chasing him "can't catch me!!" He laughed out as he jumps onto another roof as he turns around "flame wall!!" Josh yells as he forms a wall of fire blocking the soldiers an older man appears "your going over board on our mission josh" the man said "sorry RJ" josh said as another boy appear "Cmon josh and Derrick we got to report this in with the council" RJ said "yes sir" josh said as Derrick scuffed as they run off out of the village


Josh Derrick and RJ make it back as they walk to the council hall, RJ then sits down in a council leader chair "team RJ how did the mission go?" Zero asked "it went good, king leon still has control over Auroradal and other villages he's trying to form a larger country that will grow into a large kingdom" zero said "that's not good for us, Auroradal is our neighbor, he will have an army to invade verondal and our allied villages in our country which he will try to invade the other countries around Ferial" zero questioned "seems so, if he takes over more villages and kingdoms he will own the entire continent he might even invade other continents" josh said "and that means my home country is gonna be in trouble cause back in noreway there is no magic" josh added clenching his fist "who cares let him try he's too weak to invade the world" Derrick sighed and stormed off. "Why not Have my squad head back?" RJ asked "cause I have another mission for your squad plus your going to get a new rank in your squad someone who could help a lot, he's of the ancient dragon knight clan just like josh and Derrick" zero said "alright what's this mission?" RJ asked "one of our villages to the northern boarder was attacked by bandit ogres your squad will be sent out to assist the village and possibly find out what happen to our neighbor kingdom of the goblins their small kingdom were wiped out so far we are the only ones who care, but the forbidden forest is near the goblin kingdom so beware and do not enter the forbidden forest" zero said "alright brother" RJ stood up "who's this new member?" RJ asked "his name is Skyler he's an orphan like josh and Derrick" zero said and smiled

-ogre kingdom-

The ogre king was sitting in his throne "lord Draco, you have a visitor from Auroradal kingdom of the kitsune" a guard said "bring him in" Draco said as leon walks in "what is it you want kitsune?" Draco asked "an alliance, I got word you attacked a village in verondals territory they also attacked my home so I came to make an alliance as they say the enemy of my enemy is a friend so what do you say?" Leon asked "fine but I want to kill the council" Draco said "deal I want the head of that Viking boy that my daughter adores" leon said "why if she adores him don't you want him to be her lover?"Draco said "no I do not welcome Vikings in my kingdom and never will" leon added

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