Episode 38: Distress from Kattegat

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-about a week later-

Lagertha sits in her throne and takes a deep breath with a smile "today marks a new age in Kattegat our new trade center is now complete to deal in trade not from our lands such as England settlements that Ragnar had made before his passing all the way to the southern continent but only kingdom we could manage to trade with is verondal home of my son we will be sending our first shipment of meed to verondal and they will be sending us crop" lagertha told her people as they cheer exited as leon and locke walk into the longhouse wearing cloaks "Kattegat will bow to me the new ruler of this hell hole" Leon said "how did you get in?" Lagertha asked standing up "the guards were all killed" locke said"now your next bitch" locke raised his sword to her "no she'll be my new wife" leon said and walked towards her "I would never be yours" lagertha pulled her sword out from her throne and strikes leon but he grabs the sword "oh no no no your gonna regret that" he yelled using a new spell to put her asleep as he picks her up and walks off as the longhouse explodes.
One of the Vikings crawls away from the longhouse after it exploded and ran to the docks getting on a boat and sailing away soon he fell unconscious.

-a few days later-

Josh was standing in the crater where he battled loric with Derrick, natalie walks over to josh "hey" Natalie said and looks at josh "you doin alright?" She asked worried "yea just thinking" josh relied "about?" Natalie asked again "this crater and the argument Derrick and I had before he left" josh said "it'll be alright he will come around he always has and this crater father is talking about building the new downtown here with more shops and armories" Natalie said "he's not coming back I could tell by his expression that he was done and I know your dad had already came to me about these plans" josh said and smiled softly as Zero ran up to josh "josh a Viking from your home town washed up on the shores he's pretty beat up" zero said as they rush off to the hospital where the Viking was who was now awake "bjorn?" Josh asked amd walked towards the man "little brother it's good to see you again" bjorn said and sat up "no lay down you need to rest elder brother" josh demanded as bjorn lays down "what happen?" Josh asked "Kattegat was attacked by two men named leon and locke, one of them took mother to force into marriage" bjorn said "wait locke and leon? Shit their alive still this is not good" josh said thinking to himself "once your rested up we're going back to Kattegat immediately" josh said and walked off.

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