Episode 76: councils first attack

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-vindor ruins-

Enchanta and Daryl were looking around the ruins of the destroyed country from joshs explosion years ago "enchanta there's a gem over there" Daryl said as they walked to the grey gem and picks it up "do you have any idea what we just found" enchanta asked "no?" Daryl asked confused "have you heard of the creators?" Enchanta asked "you mean the stories we were told as kids?" Daryl asked "this stone belongs to a creator the stone of darkness, there are several stones that each are inside a creator it's the source of their powers there's the darkness stone, water stone, fire stone, earth stone, wind stone, life stone and death stone each belonging to seven creators of the universe which means nexus had an secret kept from the universe he is a creator god or was" enchanta explained.
Suddenly a few bounty hunters appear attacking enchanta and Daryl but they fend themselves off fighting the bandits.


Two explosions ignite inside the city blowing up two houses with people in it two bounty hunters storm into the city slashing at Vikings killing them as they go on through, legend flies down and punches the ground shooting lightning up from the ground "you are trespassing on Kattegat and verondal grounds turn back now" legend demanded "on a little boy coming to hurt us in pissing my pants oh no" the first hunter said as he charged at legend but he pulls out his sword and strikes cutting the hunter in half "I said leave!!" Legend yells stroking his sword into the ground as lighting shoots out cutting the other hunter in half.


Enchanta walks to Natalie "we have one in custody in the prison" enchanta said as Natalie nods "let's go get answers out of him" Natalie said and got up walking to the prison.
"Where did you come from" Natalie asked "like I ain't telling you shit man like come on you really think I'll tell you anything like man seriously?" The hunter said "say like again and I will like have your tongue man" Natalie yelled "ok ok like man like the council of gods like sent me man I'm just collecting a bounty like on your head man's like a big bounty like Cmon man let me like take the bounty man" the hunter said "I swear to the gods if you don't stop saying like!" Natalie punched the bars and walked off.

"Council of gods sent them?" Enchanta asked fallowing natalie "that's what you heard isn't it?" She said with attitude "I'll find out why we have bounties on our heads" enchanta flew off.

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