Episode 36:lorics backstory

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(Trigger warning, child abuse)

-thousands of years ago-

A young boy with a bunch of bruises and scars  was sitting in a field looking at the sky smiling while watching the clouds in the bright blue sky "what are you doing here boy?" A man said gripping lorics arm "no one said you can leave the orphanage!!" The man yelled back handing loric hard "LET ME GO I DONT WANNA BE THERE NO ONE LIKES ME!!" Loric cried out trying to get out of the man's grip but the man was too strong, the man dragged loric back into the orphanage and throws him in a cage and locked it up "you lost lunch and dinner rights until tomorrow evening!" The man yelled and walked away as loric curd up in a hall crying softly, a few kids walk over and throw chicken eggs at loric "HAHA BABY LORIC IS LOCKED AWAY HAHA" the kids teased "shut up..." Loric said wiping tears away "what did you say?" The boy said glaring but got an idea and bites his own  arm "owe! Loric bit me!!" The boy fake cried out as the orphanage owner runs over and opens the cage and grips Loric by the neck "come with me!!" The owner yelled dragging Loric into another room "no! I didn't do it I swear!!" Loric continue to cry out as the man throws him into the wall "every day we have to come in here and teach you a lesson!!! Will you ever learn?" The man yelled grabbing a whip "stand up and turn around" the man yelled as Loric stood up and turned around, the man struck Loric in the back hard with the whip, the whip cut lorics back up every time he strikes.


Loric was crying in the corner of the room covered in whip cuts as a figure appears, Loric looks up "wh -who are you" Loric asked wiping tears away "I am your savior my name is yin and I'm here to give you the power to destroy the world for what they've done to you" yin said and gave Loric his powers "what will you do boy" yin asked as Loric stood up "burn this place down" Loric said looking at yin.


Loric stood in the middle of the now burnt down orphanage and looks at the destroyed village he had just destroyed as he had no expression on his face he looks at one of the younger kids who bullied him, Loric raises his hand and forms a ball of dark matter and blasts the young boy killing him instantly.

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