Episode 94: dragons clash again

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Josh flew just a few feet over trees flying towards halindal to confront Derrick of killing Daryl but he sensed Derrick approaching him so josh powers up to his full dragon form.
Derrick was about a mile from josh flying towards verondal but suddenly one of joshs daggers comes rushing towards him, Derrick slightly flies down to dodge the dagger but josh teleports to the dagger "DERRICK!!" Josh yelled as Derrick turns to josh "well you've came for me finally huh?" Derrick said "why did you kill Daryl" josh asked "he had the gems so I killed him and absorbed both creator stones so now you'll be the first to whiteness what I can do!" Derrick yells powering up to his fire king form grade 3.

They fly at each other at full speeds punching each other in the face as hard as they can but josh was the only one launched back crashing into the trees below them "see you will not manage to kill me!" Derrick yells landing next to josh "now power up to your bond form asshole" Derrick said "I can't" josh said standing up "ha! You are weak after all! Then die" Derrick raises his hand forming a ball of fire in his hand "this is my flames from hell, Hellish explosion!" Derrick yells clenching the ball of fire causing it to explode, launching josh back into a tree.
Josh slowly stood up flying at Derrick at full speeds, josh punches Derrick in the chest igniting a large explosion behind him but Derrick smirks taking it like it didn't hurt "is that all!" Derrick yells "FUCK YOU!!" Josh yelled flying back.

-inside joshs head-

"Don't let him win show him what we're made of" igneel demanded.

-real world-

Josh powers up to his dragon bond form joshs skin turned into igneels golden and crimson red scales "I'm done playing around.." josh said getting more serious josh and Derrick fly at each other, they both go to punch each other as hard as they can but the punch each others fists igniting a large explosion that nearly destroyed the forest josh and Derrick clash in a fight that each blow they land upon each other ignites explosions that spans across the area explosions that also can be heard all over the country.


Natalie looks up at the sky towards where josh and Derrick are "he must have begun a battle with Derrick..if they keep this up they can destroy everything" Natalie said gulping.

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