Episode 79:control

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Enchanta clenches his fist "I have no choice but to put you back down!" He yelled as he flies to josh again and goes to punch him but he goes through josh, enchanta turns around and fires a blast at josh but the blast vanishes before touching josh, josh raised his hand into the sky summoning a thunder storm causing thunder to strike down on the ground, Daryl transforms into a guest Phoenix as he fires a blast from his mouth but josh grabs the blast and throws it back as it explodes against Daryl launching him back.
Bjorn watches the two fighting josh "im not gonna let the gods fight alone" bjorn charges at josh but josh kicks bjorn in the face launching him a few hard back into the tent.


Everyone was laying on the ground injured as the entire camp was destroyed josh had left them there as they all were unconscious

-vindor castle ruins-

Josh walks to the councilmen "you've done well puppet but you'll need to kill then understood?" The councilmen said as josh bows and nods.


A bandit walks into Nicole's house and sneaks into ivars room picking him up as Nicole runs into the room "let him go!" Nicole yelled but the bandit vanished with ivar "NO!!!" Nicole cried out.
-thirty minutes-

Nicole walks into the prison and stops at derricks cell as Derrick looks at her "what?" Derrick asked "my son was taken everyone is at war they need you" Nicole said "I can't fight a war and get your son at the same time" Derrick stated "I know where he is, he's near the battle fields with the council, you take them down and you'll be able to free my son" Nicole said opening the cell as Derrick stood up "your people get their asses handed to them so they turn to their enemy for help? What makes you so sure I don't turn?" Derrick said "cause if you do I'll kill you my self" she said with attitude as Derrick nods walking out of the prison and flies off.
Legend watches Derrick fly off so he decides to sneak off and fly off behind him "im coming too!" Legend said "go back kid this isn't a game" Derrick said "I know josh would want me to help as much as I can so im going too" legend stated as they flew over the ocean heading towards vindor

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