Episode 77: new war

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Natalie sits down infront of the Vikings and verondal guards "war is coming we've had five years of peace but the council decided to put bounties on the heads of me, Daryl, a enchanta and general bjorn which means we are going to war cause we done nothing to the council I know it's a lot to ask for as they are gods but as your queen I ask you to follow me into war" Natalie said "do we need to explain again us Vikings live on war we love war so we will gladly follow you into combat!!" Bjorn chanted.

-council hall-
Realm of the gods

"Is he ready to be sent out?" The council leader "yes" a councilmen said as a cloaked man walks into the room he had joshs dagger on his right side and joshs axe on his back "your mission is to destroy Kattegat and everyone there understood?" The leader demanded as the cloaked man nods.


The cloaked man was hovering over Kattegat watching the Vikings prepare for war as he raises his hand slightly pulling in dark matter into his hand with small sparks of fire as a ball of dark matter form with sparks of fire as he fires the large blast down, the explosion ignited creating a large crater in the middle of Kattegat the sounds of screaming Vikings can be heard from getting injured from the explosion, enchanta runs out of the town hall seeing the cloaked man, enchanta flies up and goes to punch the man but he goes right through the man but turns to blast the man but it also goes right through him exploding onto the ground "who the hell is this guy!!" Enchanta yelled as Natalie runs out as well.
The man pulls out joshs axe and chucks it at natalie but she jumps out of the way and looks at the axe recognizing it as her eyes widen slightly, the man raises his hand summoning the axe back as the axe flies to him and he grabs onto it but vanished in thin air.

Enchanta lands and looks at Natalie "you ok?" He asked "th-that axe it..it was joshs" she looks up at enchanta with anger in her eyes "they took his stuff from his dead body!!" She yelled angry.

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