Episode 105: All out free for all! Battle for the fate of the nine realms!

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Josh gets up wiping blood off his cheek "I had a feeling you'd do that" josh said as Athera stood up "oh shits about to get real!" Athera yelled in excitement josh and Derrick fly at each other at full speeds punching each others fists hard igniting a large explosio, Athera teleports to the two and punches the both of them in the face hard launching them back.

The others stood and watched the fight "shit a threeway battle we should stay out of it" RJ said "yea we probably should, we'll just get in the way" legend replied watching the fight.

Josh and Derrick turn to athera firing blasts at him which launches him back as josh and Derrick continue to battle each blow they land causes small shockwaves that crack the ground as Athera flies in and punches Derrick hard launching him far back, Athera goes to punch josh but he ducks down and punches him in the chest nearly punching a hole in his chest. Derrick gets up and flies towards Athera and punches him hard.

RJ sighed and sat down "it's never easy watching students fight each other I watched those two grow into strong young men who caught side by side but eventually grew apart and hated each other so much" RJ said "I thought josh looked up to Derrick" legend asked "he did but when Derrick turned to the dark side hatred grew"RJ added.

Athera turns to Derrick and grabs his neck slamming him into the ground hard but Derrick teleports above Athera "die!!" Derrick yells firing a dark matter blast at his back which rips a huge hole in his back exposing his heart, josh takes the chance and grabs the heart and rips it out of Athera crushing the heart,
Soon Athera bled out and died in the battlefield, josh and Derrick were breathing heavily as the two stood face to face with each other. "How about we finish our battle" Derrick said "this time no one will get in the way and I'll finally beat your ass!" Josh yelled "keep dreaming boy"Derrick yelled as they both started to run at each other clenching their fists getting ready to strike each other down.

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