Episode 103: Derricks stand, The legendary big theee final move!

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Derrick stands up slowly "I don't need those powers to kill you!! I'll kill you with my own two hands!" Derrick yells powering up to his devil form, Derrick flies to Athera and punches him as hard as he can igniting a large explosion but Athera stands still without moving an inch letting Derrick hit him which does no damage, Derrick pulls back "dark matter cannon!!!" Derrick yells firing a large blast of dark matter which ignited a larger explosion creating a large crater where the two stood.
"DAMN IT" Derrick yells growing angry "dark matter super cannon!" Derrick yelled firing a larger blast then the last one which ignored a larger explosion causing the crater to grow even more, once the smoke cleared Athera stood in place not a scratch on him "are you done yet?" Athera asked looking at Derrick.
Athera raises his hand firing a large fire blast towards Derrick which ignited an explosion launching Derrick back into a rubble pile.
"Sky let's go!" Josh yelled as he and sky fly to Athera both of them punch him as hard as he could but Athera grabs their fists and throws them to both sides of him.
Derrick stood up as he flies to Athera and punches him hard moving him an inch "stay out of my way losers!!" Derrick yelled as Athera grabs Derrick by the throat and slams him into the ground josh and sky fly back a few feet infront of Athera, Athera throws Derrick at josh and sky but they catch him "let me go!!" Derrick yelled standing up "we may be enemy's now but we have the power to kill him once he's gone we can go back to killing each other" josh said "fine what ever" Derrick said and stood up fully "now if we combine our powers into one large blast we may be able to weaken him let's do it" josh said raising his hand forming a ball of fire and lightning Derrick sighs and raises his hand to forming a ball of dark matter as sky does the same forming a ball of shadow.
"Now here's the dragon trio cannon!!" Josh yells as they three fire their blasts which fuses together creating a large beam of dark matter,fire,lightning and shadow once the beam comes into contact with Athera it ignited a large explosion that covered a good mile which destroyed the rest of the eastern district of verondal.

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