Episode 68: brothers

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"Damn it were surrounded!" Soldiers yelled as enchanta was flying through the battlefield blasting demons away he then flies up and slams back down into the ground causing explosions all over, Daryl transforms into his Phoenix form as he sores through the army eating up every demon that gets in his way the. Spits out the dead corpses "they keep coming we need to fall back now!" Daryl yelled.

-plains field east of the castle-

Ivar crawls over to a group of demons as he cuts their legs off then jams the axe into the demons skulls as he laughs in excitement "keep calm baby brother remember not to get too exited" bjorn said as he was slicing his way through the demon army along with the other Viking soldiers "yea yea yea shut up!" Ivar said as he crawls to two more soldiers and chops their legs off slamming the axes into their skull, more demons show up way to much to handle "fall back!!" Bjorn yells as the Vikings retreat.

-Rendezvous location-
-Viking camp on shores-

Bjorn walks into a tent and looks around expecting josh to be back "where's my brothers team?" Bjorn asked "still out there" Daryl said taking a sip of ale "which is a good thing right?" Bjorn asked "no clue" Daryl replied in a confused tone.
Bjorn sighs and sits down "I hope their fine out there" bjorn added

-mountain outpost-

Josh looks at RJ "get up help us win this war" josh said as RJ stood up "right let's finish this together boy" RJ said powering up to his full dragon form, Derrick and sky fly down and look at josh and RJ "d-Derrick? Why are you still going on to destroy me!" Josh yelled as Derrick stood silent, josh noticed his eyes "wait...your dead b-but how!" Josh asked confused.
"He's been dead since your battle" RJ said "but I didn't inflict deathly injuries" josh said even more confused "he killed himself" RJ reviewed as josh clenches his fists "then I'll end him here!" Josh yelled as he was even more pissed off with this power of resurrection "ONCE I FIND THIS ASSHOLE HES GONNA DIE!" Josh yelled 

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