Episode 14: scrim reaper and general of the bandits

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"Cmon let's go" sky said as he charges at Jason and punches him hard launching him back as sky pulls out his swords "Twin dragon reaper!" Sky yells slashing at the air causing air to shoot at Jason hitting him in the chest leaving two sword marks "so the scream reaper becomes a sword man huh?" Jason asked standing up "it suits me" sky said with a smirk "now shit up and fight" sky taunted as shadows cover the swords.
Jason pulls out his axes that he stole from Natalie "let's go" Jason slammed the axes down on the ground causing lightning to shoot down but shadows shields sky from the lightning bolts "yea and ima need those back too" sky slashes at the sky a few times as shadows from the slashes shoot out at Jason launching him back into the sand.
Jason stands once again and throws the axe at sky but ivar uses vines to grab the axe "thanks" ivar said "thanks kid" sky said and nodded at ivar "no problem uncle" ivar said.
"Now for my ultimate attack"sky said gathering energy as shadows around the sword started to form scythe edges around the swords "Twin reaper blades!" Sky yells running at Jason and striking him down sky turns to the side and kicks jason in the face launching him back into a tree "fall back men!" Jason vanished as the bandits run off.

"Damn" Alancha said "legend get in contact with lord lothbrok and let him know we arrived awaiting next orders" sky said as legend nods getting down in a meditation position.

-inside legends and joshs connected realm-

"We arrived in vindor we ran into an old soldier of verondal, commander Jason is the leader of the bandits here sky got done clashing with him, waiting for new orders" legend said "ok for now wait there natalie had sent out RJ we got new information of demi gods being in play there be safe" josh said "ok it" legend said.

-real world-

"Josh has sent RJ, there are demi gods here so we need all the help we can" legend looked at the others.

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