Episode 64: Christmas in Kattegat

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-a year ago-

Josh was walking around Kattegat with his brother bjorn as they noticed houses were decorated differently "weird" josh said looking at the houses as Natalie walked out of her house "why is there stuff all over your house nat?" Josh asked "cause it's Christmas season" she said with a smile. "Christmas, is that food?" Josh asked as Natalie playfully rolled her eyes "is food all you think of?" She asked laughing out "wait you don't know what Christmas is?" Natalie asked with a serious expression "well it's a holiday of celebration of new life, our god Jesus was born on December 25 thus is new beginnings so for generations families get each other gifts for family and friends" Natalie said with a smile "ohhh so food?" Josh asked rubbing the back of his head "you don't gift people food but you can, there is a huge feast Afterwards which consists of lots of food" Natalie explained more "ohhhhhh sweet I love food!" Josh said exited.


Josh sits down in his throne and thinks to himself "giving people gifts huh maybe I shall give the gifts of Christmas too!" Josh yelled "get everyone into the town hall brother" josh said as bjorn left.

-another hour-

"Listen up everyone I just learned a new thing called Christmas where you give people gifts, as king I would like to celebrate this as well in one week time I want everyone to get one person a gift can be anyone and anything then after we will FEAST!" Josh yelled.

After everyone left josh walks to his treasure room and looks around for something to give his bestfriend Natalie as he comes across lagertha Shield and sword "got it!" Josh yelled.

-a week later-
-Christmas Day-

Natalie handed josh a wrapped up gift as he smiles softly as he opens it up, it was a set of daggers made from dragon stone "Oo their pretty" josh said in Aw "my dad had left a bunch of dragon stone laying around before he passed so I had the blacksmiths make you these" Natalie said as josh handed her gift to her as she opened it up "we're these your moms sword and shield?" Natalie asked as josh nodded "she would want you to have them".
Josh said with a smile as he watched everyone giving and opening gifts.

-later that night-

"I want to say thanks to Natalie for sharing this joyful Christmas event it has brought excitement and happiness to everyone that I have not seen since before the war with Derrick so let's enjoy this feast!" Josh yelled "marry Christmas to all" josh added. Everyone started to eat the food cheering, laughing telling stories and jokes enjoying the first peace they've had in a while

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