Episode 81: revival

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Derrick looks at enchanta "a council member took him right after he broke free from the spell but that's not gonna be enough for us to get him back, we have to revive him" Derrick said "how?" Natalie asked "I was revived with a forbidden spell which you all know I am about forbidden shit so I'm gonna revive him then we move on the actual council leaders" Derrick stated as Natalie nods "let's get this done" enchanta said and smiled as they see josh flying towards them "speaking of the devil remember he's under their control again" Derrick said as josh lands and teleports to Derrick and punches him hard launching Derrick back crashing into the wall but he gets up "enchanta your up!" Derrick said as enchanta flies to josh and punches him hard pushing him back an inch.
Josh smirks and grabs enchanta and slams him down onto the ground, Daryl flies in and attempts to stab josh but josh grabs him by the throat and slams him ontop of enchanta "BROTHER!!" Bjorn yelled charging at josh but josh forms a sword from fire and chops Bjorne head clean off killing his brother "now im ready!!" Derrick yelled as everyone jumps back "forbidden soul revival" Derrick punches the ground as a pentagram forms under josh as the control breaks Derrick ends up fully reviving josh as josh falls to his knees looking around at the injured but sees bjorn dead on the ground "b-bjorn?" Josh felt extremely guilty "I killed my own brother..." josh said in a broken tone "it wasn't you" Derrick said as suddenly the councilmen from before grabs natalie by the throat and vanishes "no!!" Josh yells.


The man throws natalie down to the ground "I'll just have to use you to get to them their queen!" He said "i councilmen Nero will take your life slowly and painfully!" He laughed out as Natalie gets up and charges at the man but he teleports behind natalie turning to her and punching her back launching her onto the ground "stay down" Nero demanded

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