Episode 71: Ragefull battle

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Nexus fires a huge blast towards Natalie "no!!'" Josh yells trying to get up from the ground "HAAAA" josh yelled still trying to get up watching the blast get closer and closer to natalie it got super close to her but before it could hit natalie josh teleports infront of her taking the blast instead cussing the blast to explode throwing them back "HAHAHAHA THATS ALL?" Nexus laughed out josh josh stood up feeling rage build up the ground begin to crack beneath him "I'm..gonna make you pay!!!" Josh yells powering up both his god form and full dragon form at the same time "HOW DARE YOU TRY TO HURT HER!!" Josh yells.
"BRING IT!" Nexus yelled as josh flies to nexus at a fast speed as if he teleported, josh punches nexus in the face he'd causing him to fly back, josh pulls out a dagger and throws it at nexus, the dagger flies right past his head as josh teleports behind nexus forming a ball of fire in his hand slamming it against nexus back causing the ball to explode throwing nexus onto the ground.  Josh walks over to nexus and lifts him in the air then slams him down onto the ground with full force the force of it ignited an explosion under nexus putting a crater into the ground.

Natalie slowly sits up seeing how mad josh had gotten from her nearly dying "we have to get you out of here natalie" RJ said grabbing into Natalie as she nods RJ and sky fly off to the canps on the shoreline.
"Where's my brother?" Bjorn asked "he's face to face with nexus Derrick and olomog"  RJ said "three of them at once?" Daryl asked as RJ nods "cmon enchanta we gotta go now!" Daryl yelled.

Olomog runs to josh as josh turns around and punches olomog pushing him back, Derrick flies in and goes to punch josh but he moves out of the way, derricks fist gets stuck in the ground as josh grabs Derrick by the throat and throws him about 50 feet east "I CAN TAKE YOU ALL ON!!" Josh yells firing a blast towards nexus and olomog but they jump out of the way Derrick flies down and punches josh hard causing josh to fall over, nexus runs in and kicks josh in the face hard, olomog grabs josh by the head and lifts him up punching him in the face hard.
-after a few-

Nexus Derrick and olomog had ran off leaving josh in a crater all beat up covered in cuts and blood.

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