Episode 62: New enemy

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Josh stands up "damn it RJ stop it!!" Josh yelled as RJ flies over again and punches josh in the chest pushing josh back down onto the ground but josh gets back up, RJ goes to punch josh again but he and zero vanish josh looks up confused on where they went.


Josh was sitting in his throne "so what's going on?" A Viking asked as josh looks up "I have no clue we were attacked by what seems to be old leaders of verondal, my god father RJ and his best friend zero but I'm confused on why or how cause they both died zero died last year during the war with Derrick and my god father died four years ago so I am unsure on how they came back" josh said as Daryl and enchanta appear.
Daryl walks over to josh "let me introduce my self I am Daryl, enchantas partner,  the council of gods tasked me to explore a continent just east of the grevendal continent this new continent is called vindor their leader is a demon working with olomog, a demon who has the power to resurrect fallen warriors of all races and use them as his pawns" Daryl said.

"So RJ and zero are resurrected pawns for this demon?" Josh asked "yes I've been watching him for years and he's been planning an attack on you josh, he wants your head on a pike" Daryl added "why me? How does he know me" josh asked confused and concerned "that part I do not know which I'm hoping he explains when and if he comes head to head with you but if that happens you'll die he's far stronger then anything you've faced". Daryl said.


"The attack on Kattegat was successful" the demon said "boss your attack wasn't big" olomog said "I know it was to let them know I exist and what I can do" the demon added "yes sir nexus" olomog bows down softly "now he will come to me and I will be waiting" nexus added with a small evil laugh.

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