Episode 54: Farewell lagertha

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"May the gates of Valhalla open to you and Odin welcome you with open arms to the hall of the dead where you may feast and drink with fallen comrades, to tell the story of you and fight each other everyday" josh said pointing his arrow at the sky slightly as well as his brother bjorn and ivar they fire their fire arrows at the small boat where lagertha laid they watched the boat cover in fire as it burns into the ocean josh wipes his tears away "I couldn't save her...." Josh said falling to his knees as Natalie was watching the three keeping quiet so they could have their moments "come on your still Viking brother mother would not want you to ne sobbing over her death neither would dad" bjorn said leaning down "we have a war to finish and that's what we are gonna do no?" Ivar said crawling to josh.


"Gather around soldiers it's time for a game plan" josh said looking at the others "we always were on the defensive side of this war but that needs to change, it's time to bring the fight to them we need to hit hard and fast we can't let them over power us this next battle isn't for survival of our fallen nation but for the survival of the entire planet" josh said "ok so what's the plan?" Natalie asked "we're going to use Viking tactic they've seen all we can do expect for the Vikings so that means we'll need the shield wall in front spear and melee weapons behind them archers in the back with magic users for long range attacks" josh said while explaining the new plan.

-unknown location-

Derrick walks up to a huge volcano "is this that volcano air?" Derricks henchmen asked "yes the only thing it needs of the fire king form grade 3 for it to explode and o have grade 1 from killing sky and lagertha, next I need to kill zero for grade 2 and josh for grade 3 then my plans will finally come and all of midgard will fall to me!" Derrick yelled

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