Episode 38: The fall of a king

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Legend and RJ walks over josh and ivar "their in bad shape they need to be treated initially especially josh I can sense that igneel is no longer there..." RJ said.

-a few days later-

Ivar wakes up looking around in the medical tent as Nicole and lavender were sitting there "d-did we win?" Ivar asked "yes but I have bad news on your father.." Nicole said trying not to cry "he's in a coma and won't wake up he might not wake up..." Nicole tried not to cry "he has to! He has to wake up! I still need him" ivar jumped up running over to joshs tent seeing him lay there "dad please wake up!" Ivar cried out "Father!" Ivar said holding his hand "he needs to be left alone for now" legend said "cmon let's go get food" legend said rubbing ivars back as ivar nods "alright" ivar said as they walked out of the tent and towards the food district that was being rebuilt.
Ivar and legend order some food and sit down on a rock and started to eat "ya know your dad he's strong I'm sure he'll wake eventually" legend said and nudged ivars side.

"I'm scared of losing him there's so much I wanna learn from him" ivar slowly ate "I can teach you them, he's trained me in almost everything he knows he's one hell of a fighter" legend chuckled softly.

-joshs medical tent-

Zach walks in the tent as he walks over to josh "here lies the king of all but no more will he be king.." Zach pulls out a blade coated with death metals he walks over to josh and sliced his throat wide open causing josh to bleed out and die as Alancha walks into the tent "what the hell do you think your doing!" Alancha powers up to full dragon form as Zach turns to Alancha "shut up"Zach fires a large hellfire blast at Alancha launching him back out of the tent as soldiers rush over to the tent "FREEZE!" The soldiers yell as Zach smirks and burns all the soldiers to a crisp.

Ivar flies over and looks at Zach "the fuck is your deal!" Ivar said as he looked over at josh seeing that his neck was slit open with blood all over the place as his eyes widen "FATHER!!" Ivar cried out "HOW DARE YOU!" Ivar flies over to Zach and punches him hard launching
Him back but ivar catches himself "bye" Zach yells as he vanished.

Nicole runs in and screams seeing josh "JOSH!!" Nicole ran over to joshs dead body crying.
Ivar flies off searching for Zach.

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