Episode 13: Sun gods

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-years later-

"Now ivar let's end the era of dragons!" The man said as sky's scythe appears as the man grabs ahold of it "why..Zach why did you kill them!" Ivar yelled holding joshs axe "they were in my way onto true power" Zach said with an evil laugh.

-present time-

The squad walks into the longhouse "don't get comfortable you four, while at the council meeting we have decided to send you out an an S class mission" josh said "Oh finally some real action!" Ivar yelled "yes, I'm sending you four to vindor to help in anyway shape or form to bring peace and stability back to the nations there, we got news that bandits run the entire nation preaching the sun gods" josh said "sun gods?" Ivar asked as sky walks into the room "the sun gods or as some know, the twin gods of the sun are celestial beings much older then the creators" sky explained.
"How are they older then the creators?" Ivar asked "the creators are what created earth, celestials are gods that helped creat the universe and the nine realms inside" sky explained even more.
"The sun gods are evil beings they will kill tou just cause they feel the need to, if they appear we have to avoid them at all costs" Sky said "we?" Legend asked "I will be assisting you four in this mission it's a request from verondal and auruda sky stated as legend nods "then let's go" legend stated.


The ship stops on the sea line as they all get off the ship "why did we stop here again?" Ivar asked "we're in enemy territory" sky said "damn so I can't see girls panties them" ivar poured as legend punches the top of ivars head "THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!!WERE IN ENEMY TERRITORY IN A WAR AND ALL YOUR THINKING ABOUT IS WOMEN UNDERPANTS?" Legend snaps.

"Don't have to be rude big bro!" Ivar yelled "shh" sky said looking around having a bad feeling he heard horses that approach "GIVE IS ALL YPUR SHIT" the bandits yelled "wait.." a man said and stepped off his horse "general Skyler it's been a long time" the man said "you were one of my soldiers right? Jason?" Sky asked "yea but around here I'm the general of the bandits" Jason said "I knew you fell down low but I didn't expect it to be this low" sky stated.

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