Episode 89: showdown between dragon bond amd council lead

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Josh slowly lands a few yards from Draco, Draco looks up at josh "where did all this power come from!!" Draco yelled as josh stood silent starting to walk towards him slwoly clenching his fist "bring it on!!" Draco yelled as josh teleports behind Draco, Draco turns and goes to punch him but it goes right through josh "WHAT!" Draco yelled out confused josh slowly turned towards Draco suddenly Draco launches back as if he was being punched but josh didn't lift his arms.
Derrick looks over knowing exactly what happened "looks like he can stop time again" Derrick stated. Derrick turns to cela and grabs his head and begins to punch his face hard.

"Just cause your quiet in all and can hit me without moving doesn't mean shit!!" Draco said "choose your words carefully next time" josh said as their was a hint of igneels voice withinn joshs, josh teleports to Draco and lifts him up and punches him hard launching him back more.

Derrick grabs onto celas head and rips it clean off of his shoulders causing blood to gush every where Derrick then dropped his body "pathetic" Derrick said and looked over at josh with jealousy.
Josh and Draco were in an all out clash landing fatal blows upon each other josh steps back forming a giant fire spear from his hand but Draco absorbs the fire as it comes out "stop taking my power!" Josh yelled as more of igneels voice is heard josh flies over to Draco and punches him hard launching him back josh flies into the sky forming a huge ball of fire and lightning throwing it down "NOVA CANNON" josh yells as the ball explodes turning Draco into ash.

Josh lands near the others "let's head back" josh said summoning the bifrost teleporting them back to midgard but when they arrived everything had changed the world was as if the countries weren't destroyed "the hell" josh said confused Nicole and hel walks over "we thought you died it's been over a year!" Nicole yelled "no it hasn't it's been an hour" josh said "time work's different in the realm of the council up there was an hour down here was a almost two years" hel said "plus verondal and other fallen nations magically appeared" Nicole said as josh sees natalie "wait she's supposed to be dead!" Josh said confused "that's it everyone who died in the past few years are back" Nicole said as josh instantly flies off fast heading towards Kattegat where he sees RJ "RJ!!!" Josh yelled exited as he lands and hugs RJ "hey kiddo" RJ said with a smile.

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