Episode 33: legends reaper touch! Zach goes all out!

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Legend takes a step back as Indus stood up laughing "really the lightning flash reapers full power was that!" Indus laughed "that tickled!" Indus yelled.
Legend gets angry and combines full dragon form and reaper form together giving him a large power boost "enough laughing!!" Legend yells as he flies over to Indus and punches him as hard as he can launching him back hovering over the ocean. Legend teleports behind Indus and punches the top of his head as hard as he can launching him down crashing into the ocean.
Legend forms a large ball of darkness "fucking die!!" Legend throws down the large ball which explodes on impact on the ocean causing title waves to crash into Kattegats beach causing small tsunamis to crash into the buildings.
Indus flies up and punches legend hard but legend doesn't move.

Zach flies back after punching Eos "cmon demon child why are you helping them?" Eos asked "I don't know why but who cares what I do!" Zach yelled "I feel the hatred in your heart I know you want to kill them all" Eos yelled "SHUT UP" Zach flies to Eos and punches him hard launching him back down to the ground.
"HELLFIRE CANNON!" Zach yells firing a large blast of hellfire down to Eos which explodes throwing Eos into the forest.

Legend raises his hand as skylers spirit spears beside him "REAPERS TOUCH!" Legend yells as he punches Indus in the face hard using his death powers in his punch which causes Indus to turn into dust and break apart as the dust  flows in the wind.

Zach flies into the forest and lands next to Eos "that it?" Zach asked as Eos stands up "no!!" Eos yelled.

Ivar looks at Janus "I'm gonna get your ass little boy!!" Janus yelled "wow...what a perv" ivar taunted "LOOK WHOS TALKING" legend yells from a distant "you want my ass come get me!" Ivar laughed out and flies off into the mountains as Janus chases close after him.

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