Episode 21: jasons reveluton begins!

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-vindor castle-

Jason walks out onto the deck looking out into the field of soldiers and bandits "today I gathered you all cause we have one goal in mind! And that's the destruction of the nine fucking realms! But first we have to deal with unwanted guests, the dragon knight alliance" Jason chanted looking at his army as they chanted exited for a fight.

-an hour-

Ivar looks down at the bottom of the mountain where the army was gathering "no one said anything about an army" ivar said and sat on the rock "how long till the United republic show up?" Zach asked "not in time the fastest is getting josh here" RJ said "no, he's not taking the shine again it's our turn" Zach flies down to the army and punches the ground hard causing it to break and crack up splitting the army into five groups. The others fly down landing in each groups section.

Ivar smirks and shoved his hand into the ground, ivar pulls vines up from each corner of the section "Here goes the bird nest!" Ivar yells as a bunch of vines grow out of the ground entrapping him and 700 soldiers in his section.
Ivar flies to a soldier and punches him in the face launching him back into a few other soldiers.

Alancha grows out his Phoenix wings and flies up into the sky "Phoenix Wing!" Alancha flies down using his wings to slice a few soldiers up, Alancha lands as he forms a sword from fire as he flies to another soldier and sliced his throat open.
RJ looks around and smirks he punches the ground causing a slight thunder storm to strike most of the soldiers down.

Ivar runs to a soldier and jumps up kicking him in the face launching the soldier back crashing into a bunch of soldiers "that the best you got!" Ivar yelled as he stands up "nope" Jason said as he appears gripping onto his throat "time to die. Lothbrok!" Jason yells

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