Episode 92: phoenix god falls

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Daryl flew through the sky holding onto the creator stones suddenly Derrick appears and stabs Daryl in the stomach with a large blade causing Daryl to crash into the ground.
Derrick walks over to Daryl "why?...don't betray us again..." Daryl said holding his gut looking at Derrick "I was never with you people to begin with" Derrick raised his hand looking at Daryl "any last words?" Derrick asked "yea fuck you!" Daryl yelled as Derrick blasts Daryl with a dark matter blast.
Derrick leans over and grabs the two stones absorbing the both of them darkness and fire begin to cover Derrick as he was laughing evilly "judgment day will come!!" Derrick laughed out.


Josh was standing across from legend "show me your move boy" Josh said getting ready "alright"legend said lifting his hand in-front of him he formed a ball of lightning as little lightning bolts shot out of the ball slightly "lightning vortex!" Legend yelled throwing the ball down .
A forcefield surrounded both josh and legend as every other second lighting strikes down on josh, josh tried to dodge them but he gets hit by them. Soon after the forcefield vanished "that's a good one kiddo keep working on it!" Josh said exited "josh we have an issue" Natalie said walking up to them "what is it?" Josh asked "come see" she replied as she lead him to the longhouse.

Enchanta was standing over Daryl's dead body "he was found in the northern vindorian mountains he was tasked to retrieve the two creator stones from thieves but he was attacked" enchanta explained.
"By who?" Josh asked "emperor derrick Wayne of the halindal kingdom" enchanta said in a sad tone as josh clenches his fists "father the army were going to wa-" josh was interrupted hearing many large explosions all over Kattegat "what the hell is that!" Josh asked a soldier runs in "we're under attack" the soldier yelled before a figure appears and touched the soldiers head as the soldier turned to ash before the grim reaper fully appears.

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