A Kanna, Chibiusa, And Riko Sleepover!

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3rd Person POV

Tonight was a night for Chibiusa And Kanna to have a sleepover with their Friend Riko who their father was picking up from Japan. They got their Mother/Mother figure's Usagi, Tohru, Kobayashi, Elma, and Lucoa to set up everything they need for their little sleepover such as Pizza, Movies, Cookies, and even some Video games. Once they were finished they girls Thanked them and they left. Just then the two heard a knock their room door and when they opened the door it revealed Riko with a backpack and everything!

Chibiusa: "Hi Riko! It's so nice that you can come!"

Kanna then walked up and Hugged Riko with that constant space outlook on her face and inflection on her voice.

Kanna: "I'm so happy you can come Here Riko."

Riko then Blushed really hard and went Limp in Kanna's Hug!

Chibiusa just smiled knowing how this will end up with them Dating by the time their dad becomes the Omni King; which surprisingly makes Kanna Actually her older sister instead of the same age

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Chibiusa just smiled knowing how this will end up with them Dating by the time their dad becomes the Omni King; which surprisingly makes Kanna Actually her older sister instead of the same age... Strange huh? Well, they were hugging until Chibius suggest they have some Cookies and they agreed!

Chibiusa: "What kind of Cookies Do you want? We got Chocolate chip, Brownie, Smores, Chocolate Chip/Potato chip Mix, and even M&M! I would suggest Mint Chocolate Chip but Mommy made it and she's a terrible cook!"

Kanna: "I'll have one of every each one."

Riko: "Y-Yeah Me too!"

Chibiusa: "Really!? Me three!"

They all grabbed some cookies and Bega eating and while doing that Riko asked Chibiusa a question.

Riko: "Hey Chibiusa you're the future right?"

Chibiusa: "Yes I am!"

Riko: "What is the future like and Would Kanna actually be your older sister?"

Chibiusa: "Well I can't say what the future would be like to preserve the timeline but I can indeed say Kanna would be my older sister!"

Riko: "Oooh..."

Kanna: "Hey Riko."

Riko: "Yes Kanna!?"

Kanna: "You have some Crumbs on your face."

Riko: *Blushing* "O-Oh Thank you Kanna! I-I'll just go get a-!"

Kanna then licked her on the cheek cleaning her and Riko froze.

Kanna: "There. Your clean now."

Riko after a few moments blew up in a blush while squealing which Made Kanna smile and Kanna act like... Well, Kanna.

After that little moment, they got some Pizza (Cheese and Pepperoni if your wondering) and started playing some Video games on the 3DS in which they have Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate where they were fighting the Great and Powerful (Also Short-tempere...

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After that little moment, they got some Pizza (Cheese and Pepperoni if your wondering) and started playing some Video games on the 3DS in which they have Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate where they were fighting the Great and Powerful (Also Short-tempered) Devijho!

After that little moment, they got some Pizza (Cheese and Pepperoni if your wondering) and started playing some Video games on the 3DS in which they have Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate where they were fighting the Great and Powerful (Also Short-tempere...

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After that successful hunt, it was getting really late they've decided to go into bed for the night and got into Chibiusa, And Kanna shared bed now also occupied by Riko for the time being. They snuggled up to each other and Riko got a bit daring and started rubbing her feet with Kanna which she was confused about for a few moments before she started doing the same and then Riko then hugged her and Blushed.

Riko: "I love you so much Kanna!!"

Kanna: *Blushing ever so slightly* "I love you too Riko."

Riko then turned into a blushing mess again but this time It's the biggest one she ever had!

Riko then turned into a blushing mess again but this time It's the biggest one she ever had!

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Riko then passed out While Kanna held her in her eyes as they fell asleep as well. Late Jackson opened up the door to see all three of them snuggled up to each other and He smiled.

Jackson: "So cute."

He then shut the door leaving them to sleep until morning,

To Be Continued...

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