The Paper Angel!/ Konan's Date!/ Part 1

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3rd Person POV

In the shopping district of the hidden leaf village there a large building sitting on a large plot of mostly unused land that was surrounded by many shops and Cherry blossom trees! The Origami/Paper/Book shop was Named "Kami No Tenshi" Contained The owner and a very special Figure!

A/N: Guess What the Name means in English and Win a Cookie!!

Inside of it was the Former Akatsuki Member and Now Jounin Konan Tenshi who had ditched The Akatsuki long ago to team up with the Hidden leaf Ninja to get back after her Master after he did some Abusive things to her and she couldn't take it anymo...

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Inside of it was the Former Akatsuki Member and Now Jounin Konan Tenshi who had ditched The Akatsuki long ago to team up with the Hidden leaf Ninja to get back after her Master after he did some Abusive things to her and she couldn't take it anymore! She even went back to training under her old master Jayaria and started training fellow Jounin and Even Genin.

Inside of it was the Former Akatsuki Member and Now Jounin Konan Tenshi who had ditched The Akatsuki long ago to team up with the Hidden leaf Ninja to get back after her Master after he did some Abusive things to her and she couldn't take it anymo...

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Right now she was in her shop using her Jutsu to turn her Paper into different Origami Shapes as she sat there bored. She was like that until the door Opened and Walked in Sakura sporting her Usual Garb as she walked to the counter!

Konan: "Hey Sakura!"

Sakura: "Hey Konan!"

There was still a bit of awkwardness in the air as they used to be enemies but are now Friends!

Konan: "So do you need Anything Sakura?"

Sakura: "No But I think I can help you with your... Um... Downer mood..."

Konan: "Whatever do you mean?"

Sakura: "I mean whenever I've seen you Your just this Emo and Sad I had never seen you Happy!! It's kind of depressing really!!"

Konan: "Oh... So What's your idea?"

Sakura: "Well I remember you met Jackson right?"

Konan: "Yeah I did from when we first battled as Enemies until we met as Friends. Seems Very nice."

Sakura: "Well I gotta ask... Do you have a crush on him in any way?"

Konan then blushed cherry red and started freaking out making her Chakra/Jutsu go wild and sending the papers in front of her go flying across the room!!

Konan: "No! No! No! I definitely do not!!!"

Sakura: *Sarcastically* "Really?"

Konan: "Yes really! It's not like I wanna cuddle with him, or have him brush my hair, we can do origami together, have Ramen together all lady and the Tramp style, go swimming where I can see his probably amazing muscles and-"

Insert Sakura having the smuggest look ever as she knew that the Older woman was lying!

Konan: "... Or anything like that..."

Sakura: *Smugly* "Really?"

Konan: *Blushing bright red all over again* "Okay I admit it!!! I love him too!!! He's too perfect!!! Whar young woman cannot fall for him!!!"

Sakura: "Tsunade's not young!"

Konan: "I Know!!! And it seems to still work!!! Sakura I'm a hopeless mess!!! I'll never have the guts to ask him out!!!

Sakura: "Hey I already to told Him-!"

Konan: "WHAT!!?"

Sakura: "Now hold that thought! And He Agrees to take you out on a date and the other girls are Okay with it!!"

Konan: "You serious?"

Sakura: "I'm more than serious!! And the dates for tomorrow at Noon!!"

Konan than hugged her Crying tears of Joy!!

Konan: "Thank you Sakura!!! Thank you!!!"

Sakura: "Okay Your welcome!! Please let go!! I swear Seeing you have actual feelings somehow see's creepier than when you don't!! It seems natural!!"

Konan: "Just a few more moments?"

Sakura: "Sure."

They then hugged it out for another few Moments before Sakura leaves and Konan jumps around the shop all giddy before the next costumers come in!!

To Be Continued...

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