Team Durge Vs Team Naruto (Aka Tsunade Vs Durge 3!!!)

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3rd Person POV

Right now Tsunade, Shizune, Sakura, and Hinata were in the baths just relaxing and nothing was going on. just Peaceful peace and Perfect leisure! They were all lying in the baths (And Yes the other 3 are a bit jealous of Tsunade's Melons) just relaxing and were just happy their only wish is that their boyfriend was here with them right now.

Tsunade: "Aaah This is the Life Huh Ladies?"

Shizune: "Yep!"

Sakura: "Most definitely!"

Hinata: "Y-Yes..."

Tsunade: "No Fighting Villians, No dealing with Crooks, No Paperwork, Just Rest, Relaxation, and-!"

Just then they heard a boom outside and Naruto and Sasuke ran in covering their eyes!

Tsunade: "Now what In Hell is going on Out there!?"

Naruto: "There was a Massive dude outside tearing the city apart!"

Sasuke: "Yeah and What looks like a Lizard with cornrows and Two sets of Jaws!"

Girls: "..."

Tsunade: "I'm going to fucking kill those two!!! Girls, Naruto, Sasuke Lets go!"

Everyone: "Got it!!"

They then got their clothes back on and Ran outside and they saw a horrifying sight! It was Durge and What looked like a Buffed up Slifer attacking and Beating Jayaria!! Meet Attack Mode Slifer!!  his newest form!! He is currently 7 Feet tall, 4 arms (2 big 2 small), Razor-sharp armor, And 2 sets of Jaws!! This is him at his Prime!!

Jayaria: "Rasengan!!!"

Slifer: *Appears in front of him* "Gotcha Bitch!"

Slifer then backhanded him Jayaria sending him flying to the others with Tsunade catching him!

Tsunade: "Jayaria! Jayaria! Are you Okay!?"

Jayaria: "Yeah... I'm Okay... I'm tough as Nails Tsunade... Remember when we were kids when I tried to catch the bell?"

Tsunade: "Yeah I remember!"

Durge: "Hahaha!! I now have my revenge!! With Slifer's new form I shall Finally beat you Lady Tsunade!! A Mandolorains Revenge has no bounds!"

Sakura: "Okay! Anyone has any Ideas on How to beat them!?"

Naruto: "I got one Idea that can Beat them both!"

 Sakura: "What do you- No Naruto! No! Don't you dare!" 

 Tsunade: "If you do this Naruto I swear I'll smack you so hard you'll have Amnesia!" 

 Sasuke: "Oh No!" 

 Naruto: "Sexy Jutsu!"  

He then turned into his Sexy girl self as Jayaria had a massive nosebleed, Sasuke covered his eyes, Slifer and Durge remained unaffected, and Shizune and Hinata were trying to hold back Tsunade and Sakura from smacking him!!

Naruko: "Aren't you Impressed?" 

 Durge: "No Not really."

Everyone: "What!!?!!" 

 Durge: "I've been in the game for over 1000 years and sent this way to many times and He's born Asexual!"

 Slifer: "You don't have to tell them that Sir!"

Naruko: "Well there's that plan out of the window!"

He then returned back to his regular form and sighed!

Hinata: "I-I got one..."

Everyone: "Well do it!!"

Hinata: "O-Ok... Ahem... Destruction Disc Jutsu!!"

She then fired a disc of Chakra energy right at Slifer and he Got excited!

Slifer: "Oh Boy Sir a Disc!! I'm gonna catch it!!"

Durge: "No Slifer!! It's a trick!!"

Slifer: "But Durge! Tricks are for kids."

Durge: *Dumbfounded and done already* "You know what. Catch it. Catch it with your teeth."

Slifer: "Yay! Like a doggie!"

The disc then grazed Slifer right on the cheek and it then hit Hokage rock nearly obliterating it!!

Everyone: "..."

Tsunade: "Oh God fuck no!"


A/N: 0:35-0:44!!

Durge: "SLIFER!!! FOCUS!!!"

Slifer: "Right!! Focus!! Let me pick who's next! Eenie Meenie Minnie..."

Sakura: 'Please not me! Please not me! Please not me!'

Slifer: "The Pink Haired one!!"

Sakura: "Oh God no!!!"

Slifer then charged at her at full speed knocking the others like Bowling pins when they tried to stop him and he only stopped when she said the Magic words!

Sakura: "My turn! My turn! My turn!"

Slifer then stopped in his tracks and everyone is confused!

Durge: "Slifer WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!?"

Slifer: "I'm waiting, sir! It's her turn!"

Durge then bled through his nose utterly stupefied by his utter lack of brain powers!

Slifer: "Anything wrong sir?"

Durge: "I'm just having an Anyruism over all of the stupidity!"

Slifer: "Huh, Didn't know you were that stupid!"

Durge: * Losing his shit at this Point* "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! THAT'S IT!!!! WE'RE DONE HERE!!!"

He then slammed him across the head forcing him back to his base form and he carried him flying off!

Durge: "Next time Tsunade! Next Time I'll finally win!!"

Everyone: "...?"

Tsunade: "...Such a weird Duo..."

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