Tarsier Trouble!!/ Suicidal Instincts!!

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3rd Person POV

Jackson was Just walking through the Track Field to the Cooking Club Room Where to see all of the girlfriends of this school (Ranka, Miyubi, Yena, Ferryl, Kurumi, Miki, Meimei, Chroe, And Man) when He Bumped into the Tarsier Girl who's Been watching him (And We've seen Two Chapter's Ago) And She Turned Bright Pink!!

Jackson: "Oh Hey There!! Sorry About that My Name is-!!"

Before He could even finish she Jumped 30ft into the Air...

 And fell Headfirst into the ground Smashing her head through it like some kind of Ostrich!!

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... And fell Headfirst into the ground Smashing her head through it like some kind of Ostrich!!

Jackson: "Holy Crap!! Did she Just Kill Herself!? I got one girl with One Kenny like superpowers but Now two!?"

He Picked her Up and Turned into XLR-8 Running through the school to the classroom in which He opened the door to the girls who were looking after a Miyubi who had just come back from death... Again...

Miyubi: "Oh Hi Jackson... I died Again..."

All of the Girls notice Him and all Hug him nearly crushing him!!

Jackson: "I love... you too Girls But... Your crushing... Me..."

Ranka: "Hey Jackson Who's the new Girl!? Does she want to Join the Pack!!"

Man: *Flicks Ranka on the forehead* "No you Idiot!! She's Practically dead and-"

Ferryl Looms Over Man in Anger!!

Ferryl: "The Fuck did you do to my sister!?"

Man: *Terrified* "N-Nothing ma'am!!"

Just then Manako and saw all of them Looking at her so she did the only thing that made sense to her!! She Tried smashing her head on the floor Killing herself!! The keyword here is Try considering that they all stopped her from doing so!!

Jackson: "What the Hell!? Can you even tell me your Name!?"

Manako: "M-M-Manako..."

Just then a Magazine fell out of her Tracksuit and It was an Issue that was about him!!

Just then a Magazine fell out of her Tracksuit and It was an Issue that was about him!!

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Jackson: "I... Assume you're a Fan...? Holy Shit!!"

She turned Bright Pink and was slamming her head on to the floor so he tried stopping her before she cracked her skull open and he did!!

Jackson: "What in Hell is wrong with you!?"

Chroe: "I think She's Tarsier!! I heard Tarsiers Are Known for Committing Suicide when Stressed out!!

Jackson: "Well we got a lot of work to do then!!

3 Hour Timeskip presented by All of them Chibi trying to Prevent A Chibi Manako from Bashing her Head!!

After that 3 hours, they made some Progress with them being able to talk to her trying to commit death before coming back to Life but whenever Jackson tried to talk to her she would Immeaditly commit the Act and they have to stop her!!

Jackson: "What in Hell are we going to do!? Why is it me specifically she will commit suicide for!!"

Miyubi: "Maybe I can help..."

Everyone: "You can!!?"

Miyubi: "Sure... Let me... Try..."

She got down to Manako's Level and then To everyone's shock She bitchslapped her!!

She got down to Manako's Level and then To everyone's shock She bitchslapped her!!

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Everyone: "SHE SLAPPED HER!!!?"

Manako: "D-Did you... Just... Slap me...!?"

Miyubi: "Don't... Die!!!"

Manako: "H-Huh!?"

Miyubi: "Don't let your Instincts get the best of you!! You have so much to live for and Dying won't help!! So If not for me then please do it for all of us!!"

Manako's eyes water and she Hugged Miyubi shedding tears with them running down her face!!

Manako: "Thank You!! Thank you Miyubi!!"

Miyubi: *Whispering* "You have something you like to Admit to the only man in the room...?"

Manako: "H-Huh!?"

Miyubi: *Whispering* "I think I know you like him..."

Manako slowly got up and walked over to him and started stuttering!!

Manako: *Flustered* "J-Jackson I A-Am Your B-Biggest Fan and I-I Would L-Like to A-Admit..."

Jackson: "You love me right!?"

Manako: *Nods*

Jackson: "Well I think your really cute and I'll always be here for you to make sure you never have to slam your head again!! We all are!!

Just then Manako's flustered look turned into a smile and this was the First Smile Anyone ever seen her give off!!

Just then Manako's flustered look turned into a smile and this was the First Smile Anyone ever seen her give off!!

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Jackson: "So would you like a Kiss!?"

Manako then slammed her Lips onto his and Smiled!!

Manako: "That was my first kiss... And It was Amazing!!"

To Be Continued...

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