Saiko Intelli!!/ All IQ and No EQ!!

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3rd Person POV

Today Jackson was Out in the City with Tsu helping her shop for some new clothes!! You see She needs clothes with Sleeves that can Fit around Oversized Hands and Feet!! They were currently at a Shop that personally Tailors to their Customers and it's a bit pricier than usual but he's willing to pay for her!!

Tsu was showing off some new Clothes to him which were a Seafoam green dress with Little frogs on them, Black Yoga Pants, Green and Black sneakers, and Her nails for the occasion were painted Green with Lilypads on them!! She looked so damn freaking adorable!!

Tsu: "So Jackson What do you think- Ribbit!!"

Jackson: "You Look too damn Adorable!!!"

Tsu: "Thank you, your too sweet- Ribbit!!"

She then walked over to Jackson and kissed him shoving her tongue into his mouth exploring every inch of his mouth with her long Frog like tongue!!

Jackson: "Wow!! You're such a good kisser!! I love it when you use your tongue!!"

Tsu: "You too!! And to be honest, I love it when I use my tongue too- Ribbit!!"

They began kissing again as they heard a voice!!

???: "I don't understand!!"

Jackson/ Tsu: "Huh!?"

They both looked in the direction of the voice and they saw what Looked like a Highschooler closer to Jackson's age sitting next to some clothes checking them out!!

Tsu: "Saiko- Ribbit!?"

Jackson: "Saiko!? Who's Saiko!?"

Saiko: "I'm Saiko of course!!"

Saiko: "I'm Saiko of course!!"

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Saiko Intelli

Tsu: "What are you doing here- Ribbit!?"

Saiko: *Darkly chuckles* "I've been following him for weeks using my advanced Intelligence to hide in the best ways of course!!"


Saiko: *More dark chuckles* "To Study you and your Girlfriends of course!! You see I have no EQ and I can never tell emotions and when I ever I see you and those girls you seem to have a Great connection not to mention Emotions that I can pretty much never Achieve and no matter how many times I multiply my intelligence even to my limits I can never figure it out!! So can you tell me this!! How do you do feel this Happy!?"

Jackson and Tsu confusingly looked at each other as they couldn't really explain what love is exactly since it's one of those things that just can't be explained!! An Idea popped into Tsu's head and she asked an important question!!

Tsu: "Um... Do you like Him- Ribbit!?"

Saiko: "What!? Of course!! I respect the man who has such a great reputation in the Field of Hero-ing!!"

Tsu: "Um... No... I meant Romanticly- Ribbit!!"

Saiko: *Blushing* "Um... M-Maybe... I don't know!! I don't even know why my cheeks are turning bright red and my temperature is heating up!!"

Tsu: *Whispers something in Jackson's Ear*

Jackson: "Are you really okay with that!?"

Tsu: "She Really seems to like you- Ribbit!!"

Jackson: "Okay!!" *Walks over to Saiko* "Hey Saiko!!"

Saiko: "Hmm!?"

He then pressed his lips against hers and they made out for a few moments in which she Turned Bright Pink and her eyes widened in shock!!

Jackson: "Do you understand why We're so happy now!?"

Saiko: "Yep!!"

Jackson: "Do you want to be my Girlfriend!?"

Saiko: "Yep!!"

Jackson: "Do you feel this same Happiness now!?"

Saiko: "Yep!!"

Jackon/ Tsu: "Great!!/ Great- Ribbit!!"

Jackson: "Would you like to come on our date!?"

Saiko: "Of course!!"

 She then kissed him again and all three of them smiled!! It Looks Like Some of Brainier girls have some real competition in the Intelligence department Now!!

To Be Continued...

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