Mayuri Vs Good Cell!!/ Closer to Perfection!!!

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3rd Person POV

Nemu was Outside with her Creator/Master Mayori doing important science stuff (As the Mad scientist said) and they were outside picking out bug species fo collection!! It was very boring and Nemu wanted no more but to spend time with her Boyfriend but he won't let her!!

Nemu: "Master how many more should we get until we leave!?"

Mayuri: "Just five..."

Nemu: 'Five doesn't sound bad...'

Mayuri: "...Hundred!!"

Nemu: *Audible Groan*

Then the sound of humming can be heard across the forest!!

Nemu: "You hear that!?"

Mayuri: "What do you mean!?"

Nemu: "The Singing!!"

Just then it became louder as the singer came closer!!

Mayuri: "Who or what the fuck are you supposed to be!?"

Cell: "I'm cell 0.3.1 Otherwise known as a good cell but you can call me Cell!!" *Examines Mayuri* "Hmm... You remind of my creator..."

Mayuri: "Well I'm Flatt-!!"


He then flew off and Jumped on Mayuri and held him in place bringing him down to his knees!!

Cell: "Hmm... Look's like I'm the Dominant one here!!"

Mayuri: "W-What!? GAH!!!!"

He then sticks his Stinger into his arm almost making Nemu pass out from the sight of it!!

Cell: "Oh is this your first time because you are TIGHT!!!!"

Mayuri: "Grrr... Stop it!!"

Cell: "Stop what!?"

Mayuri: "The Innuendo's!!"

Cell: "Hmm... I have no idea what you're talking about!!"

He then started sucking him dry of flesh from his arm before Mayuri was able to punch him off!!

Cell: *Examins Mayuri Arm* "Wow!! Your arm looks like a shriveled Pune!! You sure you don't want me to do the other side and even things out!?"

Mayuri: "No!! GAAAAAH!!!":

He then ripped his arm off and Grew a new one!!!"


Nemu: "I didn't know You could do that Master!!"

Mayuri: *Catching his breath* "Nemuri... There are... A lot... of things... You don't know... about... me..."

Cell: "Look I don't want to stir up trouble but I'm here to chew bubblegum and Kickass... And I'm all out of Bubblegum!!! So you better watch out because... IIIIII'm Coooooomiiiiiing...."

Nemu: "You mean me because I'm the Beautiful young girl and-!!"

Mayuri: "Shut up and let me fight him!!"

Cell: "Fine... Hmmm..." *Puts two fingers to his head* "Makankōsappō!!!"

He then fired a beam from his fingers and Mayuri deflected it with his Blade before Cell started transforming!!

Cell: "Finally!! I am one step closer to perfection thanks to all that Training!!

A bright light enveloped him and he turned into his second form shocking both of the soul Reapers!! 

A bright light enveloped him and he turned into his second form shocking both of the soul Reapers!! 

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Cell (Second Form)

Cell: "All done!! And Judging by your look Mayuri (as your daughter calls you) I'm guessing your done too!!"

Mayuri: "H-How-!?"

Cell: "Let's not ponder at that!! And Lets fight!!"

Mayuri: "Y-your not that much stronger you freak!!!"

Cell: "Oh really can you do this!?" *Snaps fingers*

Cell: "Oh really can you do this!?" *Snaps fingers*

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Mayuri: "So what!? I can do that too!!!"

Cell: "Can you do this!!?"

He then started Telekenticly controlling Mayuri and started beating the shit out of him!!!

A/N: Play from 0:00-0:23!!!

He Then Grabbed him by the Throat and did this!!!

A/N: Play from 0:33!!

Cell: "Well what's done is done!! What say you girly!?"


... But More Importantly, I can finally spend some time with Jackson since He's not going to be able to do his research now!!"

Cell: "Really?! I know him!! I'm Chibiusa's, Kanna's And Yachiru's Uncle Cell!!!"

Nemu: "Come and Bring him!! We have much to discuss!!"

Cell: "You got it!!"

He then picked up a Borken Mayuri and they both walked into a Portal back to the would Reaper society!!

To be Continued...

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