The Acrobatic Assasin Vs The 5th Hokage!!/ Part 1

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A/N: This is a Reboot for Juri Han in my story since I believe I didn't do a good job the first time and Chun Li will come out later so I hope you enjoy!!

3rd Person POV

Meanwhile, at Omichiaru's Current Hideout Omichiaru and his Assistant Kabuto were talking over tea about their New Assasin who they Have Hired to Kill The Hokage herself, Lady Tsunade in cold blood!!

Meanwhile, at Omichiaru's Current Hideout Omichiaru and his Assistant Kabuto were talking over tea about their New Assasin who they Have Hired to Kill The Hokage herself, Lady Tsunade in cold blood!!

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Omichiaru's Hideout!!

Kabuto: "I'm telling you sir I don't trust her!!"

Omichiaru: "Now why is that!?"

Kabuto: "When I tried talking to her She said my glasses Were Dirty, Took them off my face, Spit on them, and spit cleaned them!! It took me 30 anti-bacterial wipes to just remove the spit!!"

Omichiaru: "Why are you such a damn Nerd!? Fucking Wimp!! Now go to her room and tell her she had a job she better get going!!"

Kabuto: *Gets up* "Yes sir!!"

He got up and walked across the underground building where he walked in front of a door and knocked on it!!

???: "Who is it!?

Kabuto: "It's Me, Yuri!! There's only three of us here!!"

Juri: "Come in!!"

He walked in just as she was in the middle of her stretches!!

He walked in just as she was in the middle of her stretches!!

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Juri Han (Genin/ Assasin/ Acrobat)

Juri: "What do you want Glasses!?"

Kabuto: "Um... Omichiaru told you to get Moving and-!!"

Juri then threw A Kunai that cut his cheek spilling blood as she then Did a handstand over to the wall where the Kunai landed and started seductively licking the blood off it all while looking him dead in the eyes!!

Kabuto: *Scared of Her* "I... Um... Uh..."

Juri: "Alright I'll go but I'll be taking this blood with me!! It's very Delicious!! AB Positive is My Favorite~"

Omichiaru: *Outside* "Just get your ass out there!!"

Juri: "Fine then Gramps!! I'm leaving!! Goddamn it!!"

Juri was at the front door of the Hokage tower right before it doors open knowing Tsunade would be inside Getting Some early paperwork done and she was about to open the door but then stops herself!!

Juri: "Wait this isn't right!! They should have a security system right!?"

She looks above and she sees a Bucket on top of the door frame!!

Juri: "Haha!! Seriously!? The Old Bucket of water Trick!? You gotta be kidding me!!" *She opens the door and the bucket falls as a liquid pours out!!* "Oops I tripped it!! Haha!!" *Sniffs the air* "wait this isn't Water this is..." *Fear sets in* "Gas..."

Just then a spark falls onto the fire and it blows up causing Juri to scream running into the next room covered in Soot!! She started catching her breath as another bucket of Gasoline fell next to her and it is set on fire again once again covering her with even more Soot!!

Juri: "The Grandma Bitch is Gonna Pay!!"

Meanwhile In Tsunade's Office...

Tsunade was drinking her coffee ready to get the day started when she heard the door knocked!!

Tsunade: "Shizune is that you!? You want your Morning Smooches!? Well come in and I can provide that!!"

The door's were Busted open and Juri walked in!!

Tsunade: "Okay your not Shizune!! Who are you!?"

Juri: "The Names Juri and I am going to Unalive you!!"

Tsunade: "... Unalive!?"

Juri: "I psychologically Can't say the K-word Now let's go bitch!!"

Tsunade: "Well That means Pushing My paperwork for later and I have to protect myself so sure!! Let's go!!"

To Be Continued...

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