The Revenge of Maiko!!/ Ikari Vs Warmachine Mk.II- Part 1

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3rd Person POV

Today Jackson was just having a Picnic Date with His Honjou girls (Ryuko, Satsuki, Nui, Nonon, Omiko, and Mako) which was in the middle of the school grounds with a picnic blanket and plenty of Yummy foods!!

Mako: "Wow these are all so Yummy Jackson!! Did you make all by yourself!?"

Jackson: "Yep!!"

Satsuki: "I must say I never knew you could cook so well!!"

Ryuko: "Says the girl who can't even bake Croquets!!"

Satsuki: "HEY!!!"

Mako: "It's true My mom and I tried teaching her but it's impossible!!"

Nui: "And I love your Mom's Croquets Mako they're all so yummy!!"

Nonon: "Man Your all a bunch of Underahciving sissies who bake at an attempt to be girly!!"

Omiko: "So says the girl who Uses an "Easy bake oven"~"

Nonon: "No I don't!!! S-Shut up!!!"

Jackson: "Hey I'm just happy I got all of my Girls here!!"

Girls: "Awww Thank You, Jackson!!!"

???: "I think You're forgetting someone..."

They all Cocked their heads and saw A Short but evil cloaked figure walk towards them with an easily told ill Intents!!

They all Cocked their heads and saw A Short but evil cloaked figure walk towards them with an easily told ill Intents!!

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Ryuko: "Um... excuse my French But... Who the fuck are you!?!?"

Satsuki: "Yeah!! You seem familiar..."

Mako: "Yeah Really Familiar!!!"

???: "Oh My Girls I'm surprised you didn't notice me Immediately... I was your friend... or for you Satsuki Your Lackie!!!"

The Cloaked Figure removed her Cloak to reveal herself to Be... Maiko!!!!

Maiko (Previously known as "???")

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Maiko (Previously known as "???")

Girls: "MAIKO!?!?!?!?"

Jackson: "Um... Excuse me but... Who's Mako!?"

Ryuko: *Sweatdrop* "Well I suppose you never met her..."

Satsuki: *Sweatdrop* "Yeah... I think we need to explain it to him..."

Mako/Nui: "Flashback!!!"

Flashback That is going to be told from Mako's and Nui's Version of Events...

Ryuko and Mako run through the streets nearly being dodging every bullet that flies at them!! They soon found Maiko in the rubble with a hurt arm!!

Maiko: "Oh No Help me!! I Definitely have my Hand Broken and am Not a Total Faking this and And Is a total bitch!!!"

Ryuko: "Don't worry We'll help!!"

Ryuko: "Yeah!!"

Maiko: "Yay!!"

20 Minutes later...

Maiko: "Hahahahaha!! I'm laughing Maniacly because I lied!! I am an evil bitch all along and I'm going to use Sailor uniform to kill you both!!"

Ryuko: "Oh No I have no clothes except for my underwear You bitch!!"

Mako: "Bitchy bitch, bitch!!"

Maiko: "You'll see how much of a bitch I am when I put this on!!" *Puts Senksetsu on Upside down* "Oh No I'm apparently so stupid so I put this upside down!! Darn me!!"

Ryuko then suckerpunches Maiko and puts Senksetsu Back on!!

Ryuko/Senkestu/Mako: "Yay we win!!!"

Much Later...

Satsuki: "You've failed me Miako!!"

Maiko: "No Satsuki I'm sorry!! I'll keep on being a Kiss-ass but please!!"

Satsuki: "Your expelled!!"

Satsuki then boots her out of there!!

Maiko: "I'll be back for revenge!!"

This has been "Flashback That is going to be told from Mako's and Nui's Version of Events...

Mako/ Nui: "Thank you for Listening!!!"

Maiko: "Alright That is total slander and I will not stand for it!!!"

Satsuki: "And what are you going to do about it!? I got your ass kicked out of here a long time ago!! you got nothing!!"

Maiko: "Oh Really!? Well, I raided Stark Labs and Found this bit fo Nanotech!!"

Billions of Nanobots started pouring out of her body to form an Iron man suit!!!  Specifically Warmachine!!!

Billions of Nanobots started pouring out of her body to form an Iron man suit!!!  Specifically Warmachine!!!

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Warmachine Maiko

Maiko: "Now I shall lay my vengeance upon you and it shall be exactly my perfect revenge!!!"

Jackson: "Could the girls not essential to this plot please go for cover!?"

Nonon, and Omiko both leave for cover after giving him for a Kiss as Ryuko, Satsuki, Mako, and Nui all activate their Goku Uniforms and he turns into JackNinja!!! They were all Ready for Battle!!!

To Be Continued...

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