J10 vs Meico!!!/ A Tough Sparring Match!!/ Mei + Nico!!

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3rd Person POV

On Beerus' Home Planet Where Mei and Nico were Introduced to The Demi-God and his Assistant/ Teacher/ Life Coach...

Beerus: "He is not my Damn Life Coach!!!"

... The two girls wanted to show off "something Cool" and they set up an Arena!! of course Whis is Referring the Match as Beerus watched his Best student from some Makeshift stands!!

Whis: "Okay Listen up!! There will be one round, no Hold bar fight!! Everything can be used and by the special request of these two women they would like to do something before the Match begins!!"

Mei then pulls out a Pair of Porta Earrings!!

Jackson/ Beerus: "PORTA EARINGS!?!?!?"

Beerus: "Where did you even get those!? You can only get those from a Kai!!"

Mei: "I Borrowed these From Bulma who "Borrowed" them from her Husband!!"

Beerus: *Rubbing temple* "She really needs to stop getting her nose into god business..."

Jackson: "Well this gotta Be Interesting!! Let see it!!"

Mei: "Your Ready Nico!?"

Nico: "Ready as you are Master!!"

They then each put on an Earring and as soon as they did they were dragged together and As soon as they touched they fused into a bright light before Taking a Human form!!

This New Girl has Mei's pink hair in Nico's Style, with Nico's Cream white skin, and has Mei's Eyes!! She wore a Brown skirt over some Black Pants with a Red Jacket tied around her waist, a Black Tanktop, a bunch of Robotic Gear, and the Goggles Mei always Iconicly Wear!!

Beerus: "Oh Great Now who are You!?!?"

Meico: "Well I'm Mei and Nico!! So I'm Meico!!!"

Whis: "Alright then now let's Begin!!" 

As he threw his staff down Jackson was about to Transform Meico quickly charged at him in a blur of Pink and Kneed him in the Gut making him kneel down to the ground wrenching over the Pain!! He looked up and saw she had a Blue Aura surrounding her!!

Jackson: "Super Saiyan Blue...!? But how...!?"

Meico: "Well It's all in Nico's design!! You see She's Built with All Known Super Saiyan forms!! 1, 2, 3, 4, God, and Blue!! It's all Very Important!!"

Jackson: "You had to hit me in the gut though...!?"

Meico: "Sorry but It at least gives me a Headstart!!"

Jackson: "Oh is that so!! Well..." *Puts Hand on her Abdomen confusing her and Moves Mouth to her ear* "Rasengan Kamehameha!!"

A Bright blue beam was shot through her Gut sending her flying as he turned Into Jackninja!! The two then started charging at each other and as soon as they meet at the middle a Massive explosion Happened as they were throwing kicks, Punches, and Ki Blasts at each other!! Meico got the upper hand when she Fired several Buzzerbombs from the Ports on her shoulders and they exploded on Jackson covering him with a Sticky pink Substance that Hardened as he fell back to the ground as Meico Landed!!

Whis: "Oh My!!"


Meico: "Welp Looks like I win!!"

Jackson: "Not so fast..."

Meico: "Huh?"

Jackson: "... I got one more Trick up my sleeve... Haaaaaaaa..." *Red Aura surrounds him* "HAAAAAAA!!!!" 

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