"Cold as Ice" Saga!!- Part 3/ The Battle!!/ Haku's Reveal!!

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3rd Person POV

The Three People were standing right there as Haku took his Ice Bow and Fired some Ice tipped arrows at them in which Tsunade began Dodging but Jackson just caught them all that was coming at his direction shocking Haku!!

Haku: "W-What!?"

He then started charging at him but what No one knew was Haku planted some Ice Land mines on the ground and when he stepped on one he was stuck and saw some ice covering his feet!!

Jackson: "Oh You Mother..." *Blasted Off* "Fuuuuuuckeeeeeeerrrrrr!!! Ah, My ear!!!"

Tsunade: "You'll Pay for that!!"

Haku: "Try me Bitch!!"

Tsunade then infused her fists with chakra and charged at him in which he did the same and it turned into a fistfight with the two punchings each other but it quickly turned into a Stalemate which Tsunade Quickly regenerating any wounds while Haku using his Speed and Quick Reflexes was doing her hits with Ease!!

Haku: "You know what!? Your pretty good!!"

Tsunade: *Smirks* "I'm not the Hokage for nothing!!"

Haku: "You did miss the thing behind you!?"

Tsunade: "Huh!?" *Looks Behind her*

There was a Haku shadow clone behind her and it stabbed a Syringe in her which immediately weakened her severely!!

Tsunade: "Ugh... What is that!?"

Haku: "Something I got from my Master!! Now die!!"

He was about to Cut her with a Kunai until they heard something!!

Jackson: *In the distance* "Mine, Mine, Mine, Mine, Mine, Mine..."

Haku: "W-What the devil is that!?"

Jackson: *Getting Closer* "Mine, Mine, Mine, Mine, Mine, Mine..."

Tsunade: "Yeah... It almost sounds like..."

Jackson: *Punches Haku in the Face* "MINE!!!!" *Grin* "Mine."

Everyone: "Your back!!!"

Jackson: "Yeah!! I mean a Landmine ain't going to take me down!!" *Summons two shadow clones* "Untie those Guys alright!!"

Clones: *Nods*

Jackson: "Chakra Kaioken X 20" *Power Multiplies by 30 times*

He then starts walking towards him as he starts cowering in fear and started firing a bunch of Ice arrows at him until He used his trump card!!

Haku: "Secret Jutsu: Ice Mirror Jutsu!!!"

He then surrounded the two in a Giant Igloo full of Ice Mirror's and he was in every single one!!

He then surrounded the two in a Giant Igloo full of Ice Mirror's and he was in every single one!!

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A/N: Imagine Jackson 10 in Sasuke's Place!!!

Haku then started jumping out of the Mirror's going into the others constantly slashing him as he could not counter bringing him down to his knee as his Training Gi was worn to shred revealing his Chest, Knees, Abs, And bare feet!!

Much to Haku's shock Jackson Turned from Jackninja to Heatblast and melted down the Entire Igloo, mirrors and all and started walking towards him All Fired up!!

Jackson: "Good one!!"

Thank you!!

Haku: "Now calm down!! Please don't hit me!! You wouldn't hit a girl now, would you!?

He then revealed a Mask revealing the Face of A Girl!!!

Naruto: *Being Untied* "Hah!! You expect us to fall for that Trick!! We all know some kind of Femboy!!!"

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Naruto: *Being Untied* "Hah!! You expect us to fall for that Trick!! We all know some kind of Femboy!!!"

Sasuke: "yeah!!"

This Haku look alike with the most stoic look ever lifted up her shirt to reveal her Bra (And Yes) Breasts!!

Everyone: "WHAT!?!?!?!?"

Sakura: "W-Who are you!?"

???: "I'm Kori and I'm Haku's sister!!! You know the guy you Brutally Murdered!!!"

Naruto: "What!? That never happened!!!"

Kori: 'Lair!!! I will Avenge my brother and That Final Mother fuckers!!!"

Kori then Pulled out a Smoke bomb and just as everyone was going to tackle her to the ground she threw it to the ground and covering her tracks as She instantly transmitted out of there!!

At a Nearby Mountian...

Kori transmitted to a Mountian Yurt and walked inside where a Strange Alien Figure was cooking some Mountian Goat on a spit!!

Kori: "Master Kaguya I failed you!! You may do to me what you like!!"

Kori: "Master Kaguya I failed you!! You may do to me what you like!!"

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Kaguya: "Did you see that Jackson Boy?"

Kori: "Yeah..."

Kaguya: "What do you think of him?"

Kori: "Um..." *Blushing* "Really cute..."

Kaguya: "Good... When we kill all of our enemies we will Share him... Now Have some Lamb..."

Kori: "Yes Master!!"

To Be Continued...

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