A Gurren Laggan Beach Chapter!!!/ Part 2

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3rd Person POV

Throughout the day Yoko had a certain suspicion as if she knew these girls! they seemed familiar but can't remember who they are and those 4 felt the exact same way! If they would've told each other their names then they would've realized they known each other!! They fought in both the Beastmen and Anti-Spiral war together!! The reason why they don't recognize each other is they all look like their 14 years old selves!! 


During the Anti-Sprial war, Yoko taught Nina the ability to make herself look younger and she further taught that to the other which they mastered despite not being spirals themselves!! They haven't seen each other in a few years (All of them being 24) with Yoko running the government while the four others ran the military before Yoko left with Jackson back to his earth!!

Backstory End!

Jackson already knows that Yoko really 22 but he doesn't mind and yes he has seen her true form multiple times even when they first met!! And yes every time he had a Massive Nosbleed!!

Through the day he noticed the 5 girls all staring daggers at each other so he decided to do an intervention!!

Jackson: "Girls!!"

Girls: "Yes!?"

Jackson: "Don't act like I'm stupid or something!! I know what's going on here!!"

Yoko: "Well they were eyeing you the entire time!!"

Jackson: "Yoko..."

Nia/ Kinon/ Kiyoh/ Kiya: "Yoko!! That's you!!?!"

Yoko: "Wait for a second!!! Nia!? Kinon!? Kiyoh and Kiya!? I couldn't recognize you!!"

Nia: "Us either!!"

Jackson: "Wait!! Hold the phone!! You 5 know each other!!"

Yoko: "Yeah!! I just haven't seen them looking like this for years!! But why exactly!?"

Kiyoh: "We wanted to fit in our old swimsuits!! They were cute and then we got the attention of a bunch of losers!!"

Kiya: "yeah why you!?

Yoko: "Well I don't want my little Jackie dying of an explosive nosebleed!!" *Smirks* "Hey Jackson can you close your eyes real quick!! We'll tell you to open them!!"

Jackson: *Confused* "O-Ok... I guess..."

After he covered his eyes he heard some noises like A dazzling gleam sound effect, and the sound of spilling blood!!

Nia: "You can open them now!!"

He did and the first thing he saw was all those losers drowning in a pool of their own nasal blood passed out and he turned his head to the left ever so slightly to see the girls in their true forms all looking pretty much the same except taller, More mature, Clearly way Thicker and Bustier, truly being nosebleed worthy material but Yoko stole the show very much for the outfit choices of hers Which left not much to the imagination!!

He did and the first thing he saw was all those losers drowning in a pool of their own nasal blood passed out and he turned his head to the left ever so slightly to see the girls in their true forms all looking pretty much the same except taller, ...

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Jackson: "...!!!" *Explosive Nosebleed* "You... All... Look... So... Beautiful!!!

Girls: "Thank you Jackson!!!"

Yoko: "You see that's the reason why I never do this! But it is worth it sometimes!!"

They grabbed his barely conscious body and drag him to a beach chair and started smothering him with their huge Breasts, while Peppering him full of kisses, seductively nibbling on his earlobe, and playing footsie all at the same time!!

Girls: "We love you Jackson!!"

Jackson: *Incredibly flustered* "I-I love you girls too!!"

To Be Continued...

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