Kill la Kill: Resurrection R- Part 1

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3rd Person POV

In Honjou Academy It was a Pretty Much Normal day with the Students Training, Teachers Teaching, The Clubs Doing whatever They're doing all except for Satsuki who has a Horrible feeling something will happen so she had locked herself in her Penthouse sized Bedroom and Won't leave under any circumstances!!

Both Ryuko and Nui were outside knocking on the door asking/ Begging for Her to come out and talk to them!! At least they got the Talking part down at Least!!

Ryuko: "Come on Sis please come out!! We need you!!"

Nui: "Yeah!! Pretty Please!! We need our oldest sister Back!!"

Satsuki: "I'm not going out!! I'm too Scared!!"

Ryuko: "Why!?"

Satsuki: "I have this terrible Feeling as if something bad is coming our way and I'm not coming out until something happens to make me come out!!"

Ryuko: "This is really bad!!"

Nui: "Because she won't come out!?"

Ryuko: "Well yes that and That bad feeling she's having!! I mean it has to be really bad for her to lock herself in her room like that but also That bad Feeling she's having makes me scared as well!! Do you have any idea what it can be!?"

Nui starts scratching her Dog ears thinking of what it can possibly be and was thinking for several minutes until she had a lightbulb on her head as her tail started wagging!!

Nui: "I have No idea!!"

Ryuko: *Facepalms and Groans*

???: "What's the Problem Girls?"

It was GG Ragyo and of course, she had a Look of worry Plastered on her face!!

Nui: "Oh Hi Mommy!!"

Ryuko: "Hey Mom... Satsuki locked herself in her room and won't come out..."

GG Ragyo: "Well that's not good!! Let me try!!"

She walked to the door and Knocked on it softly and began speaking again!!

GG Ragyo: "Satsuki sweetie can you let me in!? I just wanna talk to you!! We're just worried about you!!"

Satsuki: "Please come in..."

GG Ragyo walked in closing the door and upon turned the lights she saw her eldest Daughter nervously triple checking all of his weapons and getting her Kamui for like the 4h time to make sure all of its life fibers are intact making no weak points!! GG Ragyo then ran up and she hugged her daughter holding her to her chest!!

GG Ragyo: "Satsuki sweetie are you okay!?"

Satsuki: "I-I don't know there's this Dark Presence ad I'm scared of what will happen!!"

GG Ragyo: "It's okay Sweetie!! Why don't I make you some Brownies and Milk!! How does that sound!?"

Satsuki: *Smiles* "Yeah... That sounds nice..."

Meanwhile elsewhere!!

Frieza: "You remember why I brought you back from Hell right!?"

???: "Because we faced a similar punishment?"

Frieza: "No!! Well technically true but also I want you to hurt Jackson ten where it hurts and you wanna know who that is!! Might be some on you know!!"

???: "Ryuko, Satsuki, and Nui!! Those bastards!! They sent me there!!"

Frieza: "Yeah!! So If you can kill them then that would be nice!! Isn't that right Ragyo?"

Ragyo: "I will enjoy it to see them bleed!!"

Frieza: "Good! Good! Now get going!! I want his spirit broken!!"

To Be Continued...

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