Akame Ga Kill/ Part 6- J10 Captured and Sexy Esdeath!!!

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3rd Person POV

As The Fight Raged on Akame was Battling Kurome, as Lucy Battled Dr. Stylish, and Erza And Leone battled Run and Bols!! There was chaos being flown everywhere with the sisters cutting each other and tearing their clothes to shreds, Lucy was Using Scorpio to Battle Stylish's rather flash battle tactics, And Erza was Using her Heaven's wheel armor while Leone is using her Lion form to battle the guy in the mask and the Guy who looks like a girl!!

Bols: "Run's I'm gonna do it!! You hold them off!!"

Run: "Got it, sir!!"

Jackson was searching for a People to fight until he felt a sharp pain in his Neck and he realized there was Needle and Syringe there and Bol's was holding it!! He quickly started feeling drowsy and Fell to his Knees as Bols held him up!!

Bols: "It's okay!! Esdeath made a special request for you for when you wake up for me to make you some Hot wings!!"

Jackson: *Drowsy* "Boneless!?"

Bols: "If you want!!"

Jackson: *Falling asleep* "Thank you... You remind me of My... Mom... Zzzzzz..."

Bols: "Aww How sweet!! I can see why he's good with the Ladies now!! Kurome We got him!!!"

Kurome: *Kicks Akame Away* "Great Now let's go!!!"

They all gathered in one spot ready to go!!

Stylish: "Wait where's Seryu!?"

Run: "She Headed to the city now let's go!!"

Kurome then dropped a smoke bomb on the ground and the Jaegers Disappeared!!

Leone: "Holy shit No!!! Those Bastards!!! I'll make them Pay!!!"


Akame: "You'll have to get in Line to kill them, first Girls!!"

Chelsea: "Yeah Right behind me!!!"

Lucy: "Everyone calm down Please!! We Understand that all four of you love him too!!"

Erza: "And So we're gonna save him!! Then You could admit your feelings to Him!!! Even though it's pretty obvious for someone like Leone..."

Leone/ Akame/ Chelsea/ Erza/ Lucy: "WE'RE GONNA SAVE OUR MAN!!!"

Mine: "OKAY!! I DON'T EVEN LIKE HIM AND... And... Oh, who am I kidding I love him too!!! Let's go kick some bad guy ass and Save our Man!!!"

Girls: "Yay!!!"

Jackson woke up in Massive Blue Bed wondering what Happened and when he saw the Plate of Hot wings with Ranch next to him and he remembered what Happened!!

Jackson: "Holy Shit where am I!? I'm in no Jail cell or Dungeon!!!"

Esdeath: "Nope... You're in My personal Bedroom!!"


Jackson upon seeing her head gallons of blood pour of his nose like some kind of Firehose nearly passing out on the bed!!

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Jackson upon seeing her head gallons of blood pour of his nose like some kind of Firehose nearly passing out on the bed!!

Esdeath: "Gotcha!!"

She got onto the bed and crawled over sexily towards him as he laid there stunned!!

Jackson: "W-Wait!? You're in love with me!?"

Esdeath: "Yeah!! What woman like me wouldn't want to be with you!?"

Jackson: "Good point..."

Esdeath: "And Now...!!" *Starts untieing bra*

Jackson: "No wait!! I'm not into that!!"

Esdeath: "Oh... What do you want to do then!?

Jackson: "Can we just talk!! What about you!? Anything about you!?"

Esdeath: *Shocked* "You want to know about me!?"

Jackson: "Yeah!!"

Esdeath: *Tearing up* "Nobody ever wanted to know about me!! Well, I guess It Begins when I was born!! I can tell I immediately hated my dad right from the start!! And then..."

To Be Continued...

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