RWBY VS Grimmjow!!/ Finale- Great Ape Vs Annacar!!/ Grimmjow Defeated!!

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3rd Person POV


Pyrrha: "Aha this is my chance for that Tail!!!"

Ren: "Pyrrah don't!!"

She then runs over to Yang as she pulls out her spear in a one-person Phalanx just as Yang stepped on her stabbing her own foot like it's like a Lego!!


A/N: Play from 0:03

Pyrrha: "Ha!! That Tail is Mine!!"

She then was about to cut Her tail off before Yang grabbed her and roared at her so hard it nearly made her deaf and then tossed her back into the rock formation!! Yang then goes on her Rampage blindly destroying everything in sigh As Grimmjow just kept trying firing his Cero's at her doing virtually nothing!!

That was When Blake woke Up and Say Yang blowing shit up with her Ki Beams!!

Blake: "Y-Yang..."

Ruby: "Blake You're alive!!!" *Hugs Blake*

Wiess: "Ruby get off her she still could be hurt!!"

Ruby: *Gets off of her* "Right!"

Penny: "I just read Pyrrah's and Jaunes Life reading's and they Have just woken up as well!!"

Wiess: "Good but now we have A Giant Blonde ape and a Maniac on the loose!! So now it's twice as bad!!"

Ruby: "No it's more like 2.8 Times as bad!!"

Wiess: "Don't correct me right now Rubes!!"

Ruby: "Sowwy!!"

Wiess: *Struggling not to go Kawaii* "Don't try to be cute on me!! It won't work!!"

Neo: (I may have an Idea!!)

Everyone: "You do!?"

Neo: (Yes! We just need to get Yang's attention and Blake to say something!!)

With Yang and Grimmjow!!

Grimmjow was firing Cero's at Yang trying to kill her but she's just not paying attention to him just blowing up anything that's not him until she heard Blake's Voice!!

Blake: "Y-Yang..."

Yang: *Visible confusion* "Wraaaa?" *Visible Happiness upon seeing Blake alive* "Blaaaar!!!!" *Her trying to say Blake*

Blake: "Yang... You remember... Mr. Cuddles...?"

Que Yang having adorable memories of her cuddling and playing with Cuddles since childhood!!

Yang: "Ruuhuu..."

Blake: "Well... It was all That man's fault I got hurt and Mr. Cuddles got destroyed..." *Points at Grimmjow*

Yang: *Visible anger at Grimmjow* "RAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!!!!!!!"

Grimmjow: "WHAT!? THAT'S BULLSHIT!!! I DIDN'T HURT YOU OR DESTROY PERSONAL PROPERTY!!!... Then again it wasn't for a lack of trying..."

Yang: "RAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!!!!!!!"

Yang then grabbed a massive boulder and threw it at Grimmjow who simply dodged it with flash step!!

Grimmjow: "Stop it!!!"

The same thing happened again!!

Grimmjow: "That's it I'm done now!! I'll just cut off the tail!!"

As Yang jumped up to stop on him from the air he teleports behind her and fired a White Cero from his Zakapunto!!

Grimmjow: "Ice slash!!!"

Wiess: "THE FUCK!!??"

He then cuts off Yang's tail as she starts to slowly turn back into a human falling too close to him!!

Pyrrha: "My Trophy!!! No!!!!"

Grimmjow: "I'm the best around!!! No ones ever going to take me Dow- OH GOD NO!!!!"

Mid-Transformation and fell on top of Grimmjow as they both crashed to the ground creating a massive explosion!!

Everyone: "Yang!!!"

They all ran over to see a Naked Yang with a stub of a tail face on the ground thankfully covering anything indecent as the guys (Jaune and Ren) covered their eyes as the girls ran to help her!! Grimmjow was just moaning and groaning!!

Grimmjow: "Welp I'm been crushed by a naked bimbo blonde and defeated... I'm done here..."

He then got up, created a little Gargantua, and left for Hueco Mundo!!

Ruby: "Yang!! Yang!! Sis!! Are you okay!?"

Blake: "Let me try something!!"

Blake then kissed Yang on the lips where she immediately woke up and kissed back as Ruby wrapped her red hood around Yang's body to cover her in some way!!

Blake: "I love you so much my silly little monkey!!"

Yang: "And I love you too my beautiful little cat!!"

To Be Continued...

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