Konoha's new Hero!/ The Alien Symbiote/ Part 1: We Are OVERKILL!!!

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3rd Person POV

Today Hinata just got up to start her day but Strangely felt a bit tired! Like as if she running across some roofs last night and she was also strangely full as she literally ate her weight in Ramen. She didn't pay any attention to his thoughts as she did train hard yesterday and her muscles must be sore and she did treat herself a bit yesterday with the food.

She got up and Made herself some Breakfast Ramen (The girl loves Ramen that much) and sat down on her couch to watch the News And what it said kind of spooked her!

A/N: NR Is the news Reporter

NR: "Apparently there has Been Multiple Sighting of a Large Humanoid Monster that Looked like a busty young woman with Long white hair, Slick black, and white skin, Soulless white eyes, and A mouth full of razor-sharp teeth! The Crimes this creature has Committed crimes such as Slaughtering several Potential Robbers, Killing and eating Livestock whole, and Destruction of Property. Before We go we do have a picture of the Creature so if you see it please get help."

Then the picture scared her even more as it did a bit like her in stature and physical Physique!!

Then the picture scared her even more as it did a bit like her in stature and physical Physique!!

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Hinata: "Wait for a Second... The Fullness... The Tiredness... Could this mean... No! I'm thinking crazy!! I can't be that Monster!! I mean look at her! She probably has 10 times the backbone I could ever have!!"

She starts sweating up a storm and then she picked up the phone and called Tsunade for Help.

Tsunade: "Hello?"

Hinata: "It's Me Hinata! I think I'm starting to go crazy!!"

Tsunade: "Okay what's wrong!?"

???: "Put the phone away now."

Hinata: "What!?"

Tsunade: "What?"

???: "Do what I say."

Hinata: "Where are you, You bastard!?"

Tsunade: "Hinata what's wrong!?"

???: "I'm in here."

Hinata: "Where!?"

Tsunade: "Huh?"

???: "I'm in you."

Hinata: "What!!? Look! Lady Tsunade just come by my house quickly!! I May need your Healing Jutsu!! I think I Maybe crazy or somethings In my head!! Just come by quick!!"

Tsunade: "Okay! Just hang in there! I'll be there as fast as I can!" *Hangs up*\

Hinata: "Who are you You Bastard!!!"

???: "I think you mean WE, Ms. Hinata."

Hinata: "W-We?"

???: "We are Overkill!!"

Just then a Black liquid started spewing out her body and covers every inch of her body ditching her clothes and making new ones with its gooey flesh slapping onto her Naked body as some kind of Organic Clothing as it started taking over her mind yet still sharing it only leaving the Head Open for her to use.

Hinata: W-What the hell is happening!?"

Overkill: "Look in the Mirror!"

She then turned to her mirror and saw she was the Monster but instead of freaking out she took a deep breath and tried reasoning with the Thing.

Hinata: "Okay! Hold up! What are you and why are you here!?"

Overkill: "We Are Overkill and-!"

Hinata: "Look! There is no WE here! There is just You and Me!"

Overkill: "But we are one Now!!"

Hinata: "Explain to Motherfucker before I make myself so drunk you'll have to deal with my Hangover!!"

Overkill: "That's now How it works but Fine, I'll explain!"

To Be Continued...

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