JackDroid's Collection of Shorts!!!/ The Third One!!!

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Soi Fon's "Special" Photos!!!

Yoruichi was in the Mansion's bath's ready to take a nice relaxing hot tub bath and she started taking off her towel when she heard the door and come running in was Yachiru in her Soul reaper Garbs!!

Yachiru: "Lady Yoruichi!!! Lady Yoruichi!!! Are you in here!?"

Yoruichi: "I'm right over here Yachiru Dear!!"

Yachiru then ranked to her as the older woman tried to keep her towel on around her body.

Yachiru: "There you are Lady Yoruichi!!" :D

Yoruichi: "Is there anything that you need Yachiru?"

Yachiru: "Huh?" *Remembers* "Oh Yeah!! I need you to sign some papers for the Woman's association from Soi fon!! She says it's for the recent passing of the new budget bill!!" *Confused* "Whatever that is..."

Behind one of the rocks, Soi was readying her camera to take some pictures of a Naked Yoruichi once she takes her towel off and she was using Yachiru to distract her so she can take some good photos!!

Yachiru handed Yoruichi the Paper and one of the school pens with the cap and she started applying pressure to the cap as she smiled suspiciously!!

Yoruichi: "Sure!!  So what exactly do you need me to write!?"

Just then the Cap went flying and hit Soi on the head knocking her off the rock and falling into in full view of both Women and Girls!! Yoruichi walked by with her towel removed and stood in front of Yachiru's hand on her hip!!

Yoruichi: "Nice try Soi fon but it'll take a thousand years before you'll be able to outsmart me!!"

Soi seeing Yoruichi's nude body had an explosive nosebleed and instantly passed out!!

Yoruichi: *Smirks* "As Much as I love her this should get her out of way for a few hours!" *Kisses Soi's cheek* "Love you!"

Durge's and Slifer's Lunch!!

Durge and Slifer were walking down the street soon afternoon and they were both a bit Hungry sound Durge decided to ask the question to his Apprentice/ Sidekick Slifer!!

Durge: "Hey Slifer?"

Slifer: "Huh? What is it, sir?"

Durge: "You hungry?"

Slifer: "Well I am quite peckish Sir!!"

Durge: "Is it a yes or a no!?"

Slifer: "Yes sir!! Yes, I am hungry!!"

Durge: "Great Lets go!!"

Slifer: "Sir wait!!"

Durge: "What is it!?"

Slifer: "I know this place where we get can plenty of food that is fancy and get this... FREE!!!"

Durge: "Well show me where you can find this place!!"

Slifer: "You got it!!"

Back at the Shadowbelt Mansion...

Lunch was just finished and Tohru was prepared to store the left over's when she saw Slifer and Durge sitting at the otherwise of the Table and Slifer was even wearing one of those dining bibs while Durge was confused as fuck!!

Tohru: "Oh, Hey Slifer!! I see you're brought your master too!! Well, I guess you're free to eat as much as always!! I'll be back in ten minutes!!"

Slifer: "Thanks Again Tohru!!"

Slifer then grabbed a rice bowl full of half-finished Fried rice with soy sauce and started shoving it down his gullet with a pair of chopsticks!!

Durge: "So this is how you get free food!?"

Slifer: "Yeah and It's delicious!!"

Durge: "Do you have no Dignity!?"

Slifer: "I was never born with any Sir!!"

Durge: "Makes sense... Now Hand me the gravy bowl I'm having some pork chops!!"

Slifer: "You got it, sir!!"


To Be Continued...

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