Tsunade and Shizune Confessions!!!

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3rd Person POV

Shizune was in her Bed dreaming her favorite dream which was her and Tsunade in bed with Tsunade pushing her head into her breasts as she was blushing in her sleep. She had a crush on Tsunade for a few years now because who couldn't!! She Smart, Mature (Sometimes), and Sexy as hell!! She was basically the perfect Milf and Shizune thought so too!!

Shizune was unfortunately wakened up from her wonderful dream by her damn alarm clock. She woke up with a groan and still in her blanket she grabbed it and threw it across the room!! She then sighed and got out of bed ready to serve her most favorite person today!!

TimeSkip Presented by A Chibi Tsunade hugging a Flustered Chibi Shizune!

She walked up to Tsunade's Office checking herself to make sure she looks good before opening the door seeing her Lady a Bit frustrated at the Pile of Paperwork stacked in front of her!!

Shizune: *Bright and Cheery smile* "Good morning lady Tsunade!!"

Tsunade: *Frustrated* "Hello Shizune..."

Shizune: *Drops smile* "Are you, okay Lady Tsunade?"

Tsunade: *Frustrated* "No I am not okay!! I mean look at this!!" *Hand sheet to Shizune* "I mean look at this bureaucratic Bullshit!!! I mean seriously what does any of this mean!? It's a bunch of nonsense!!"

Shizune: *Reading it over* "Well this is easy you just need to sign a few things and stamp it!" *Had an Idea* "I know I'm not supposed to this but Maybe I can do this for you."

Tsunade: "Wait really!?"

Shizune: "Yeah! You can just have Ramen, or take a walk around I don't know! Just do whatever you want!!"

Tsunade: "Thank you Shizune Thank you!!"

Tsunade then ran up and Hugged Shizune with her Massive chest pushing against her little ones making her blush a bright pink before Tsunade got ready to leave!

Shizune: "Just make sure not to get drunk!!"

Tsunade: *Ignoring that line* "Yep! Thanks for the advice Shizune! Goodbye!"

Shizune then walked up the desk and sat Down on Tsunade's seat and noticed she left her Jacket behind and being a bit sneaky took a whiff of its scent and relaxed for a minute taking in more of its scent before starting on the paperwork!!

Shizune: "Alright let's do this!"

A Few Hours Later presented by a Chibi Tsunade Drunkenly kissing a Chibi Shizune!

Shizune had just finished her work and walked to Tsunade's personal estate to tell her that she's done everything and when she walked into the living room she saw Tsunade drunk off her ass drinking even more from a bottle of sake!

Shizune: "Godamnit Tsunade what did I tell you about Getting Drunk!!"

Tsunade: "Um... You said something about Peanuts right!?"

Shizune: *Sigh* "No..."

Tsunade: "I know what it was! I know!!... I don't know..."

Shizune: "I said not to!"

Tsunade: "Damn it!"

Tsunade then drunken walked over Sake still in hand and She then got to close for comfort and made Shizune scooch away until she has her pinned to the wall once again with her massive jugs pushing up against her tiny ones. Before she was able to ask what she was going to do to her Tsunade sloppily Kissed the younger woman's cheek and she turned bright pink!!

Shizune: "..."

Tsunade: *Chuckles* "You look so cute when you're flustered!!"

Shizune: *Shocked* "W-Wha!?"

Tsunade: "Do I have to spell it out for you? I love you."

Shizune was about to pass out from the shock as the most beautiful woman in all of Konoha loves her!! She never expected her to be Bisexual like she is but she doesn't care right now as Tsunade picked her up like a blushing bride (Mostly the blushing part) and dropped her onto the bed! Before she can even ask what's going on Tsunade got in front of her and wrapped her arms around her head and shoved her face into her ample cleavage which Shizune tried to fight back at first but she eventually gave up knowing this is what she asked for and this is her dream come true.

Tsunade: "I love you Shizune!"

Shizune: "I love you too Lady Tsunade."

Tsunade Then Kissed Shizune on the lips as she removed her head from her cleavage and then shoved her head back in as Both of them Relaxed and soon fell asleep!!

Final Timeskip presented by a Chibi Tsunade Cuddling a Chibi Shizune in her Drunken sleep!

Tsunade woke up with a slight hangover confused why she was in bed with absolutely no memory at all but she looked down seeing a sleeping And Blushing Shizune with her face shoved into her cleavage drooling. Tsunade blushed very faintly remembering what she just did and she just smiled holing Shizune there.

Tsunade: 'Well I guess the Cats out of the bag now But I don't care because I love her as much as I love our man and the world can end right now for all I care. I love you so very much Shizune!'

To Be Continued...

Aliens, Gods, And Girls!: OP! Omnitrix Wearing! OC X Massive Harem 2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon