The Joker and Torchwick!/ An Explosive Plan!- Part 1

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3rd Person POV

In Roman's Secret Base Roman Torchwick and TX were waiting for their Benefactor to arrive and Soon initiate their plan to blow up Beacon academy! They were both At a Conference Table just waiting for that Man to arrive. TX was nervous of course because of this Man's reputation and what he can do but Roman just saw a Man of similar potential for Destruction!

TX: "sir I must Urge you to call him back now! He seems too unpredictable to use! Even my Logic board can't even make accurate percentages on what he can Possibly do!"

Torchwick: "Now TX He is a Man of a similar Mindset and we can use him to finally get rid of our enemies!!"

???: "Is someone talking about little old me? Hahahahaha!!!"

Torchwick/ TX: "Heres Here!/ Oh No!"

???: "Hello Friends! Joker's Here!"

???: "Hello Friends! Joker's Here!"

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The Joker

A/N: Imagine him with Mark Hamill's Voice!!

Torchwick: "Ah Hello Mr. Joker!"

Joker: "Oh No Mr.Joker was My Father! Just call me Joker!!"

Torchwick: "Ah Yes Joker! Please take a seat!"

Joker: *Takes a seat* "Ah Yes so what do you need me to do? Robbery, Torture, Terrorism?"

Torchwick: "We need you to blow up a school no questions asked."

Joker: "Ah! A Fellow Man of culture!!! I'll do it!!"

Torchwick/ TX: "R-Really!?"

Joker: "Yes! Killing People is one of my most favorite things to do!! Next to torture and Driving Batman Nuts of course!

Torchwick: "Great! So the Plan is that we Sneak into the School, Kidnap Glynda Goodwitch to mess with my greatest Enemy and then Boom!!

Joker: "Yes! We can Make the Witch fly on her Broom!! Hahahahahaha!!!"

Torchiwick: *Sweatdrop* "Yeah of course..."

Joker: "I would have my Assistant Harely helped me with this but she beat my ass and left me! I don't even know where she's at so It's not like I can get any help!!"

TX: "I think we have your help right here." *Presses Button*

Just then a Door Opened and revealed a Droid that looked like the mish-mashed parts of multiple droid Models making an "Ugly" Droid Model!

Just then a Door Opened and revealed a Droid that looked like the mish-mashed parts of multiple droid Models making an "Ugly" Droid Model!

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BX-IB9 (Ralph)

TX: "Meet Ralph! He has Commando Droid intelligence, C4 Packages, Can move at 30 Mph, Inferred and Ultrasonic Vision, A Rifle, Knowledge on almost any weapon use, and to wrap it all in a nice bow a Combination of A Flamethrower, A Grenade Launcher, and A Sub-Machine Blaster all in one Hand!!"

Ralph: "It shall be Nice to serve you, Master Joker Sir!!"

Joker: "Oh Goodie My own Robot!! It'll be just like Five Nights at Freddie's!! With the clowns, Jokes, And Killer Robots!!

Ralph: "Yes Master Joker! Indeed!"

Torchwick: "So when will you be able to help us initiate the Plan!?"

Joker: "Hmm... Well, Let me see... Considering that I get this cool new robot, and get to blow stuff up I'll do it now!!"

Torchwick: "Yes!! I'll show you all the explosives!!"

Joker: "I think this is going to be Like Fireworks!! Hahahahahahahahaha!!!"

Torchwick: "Yes... Yes..."

To Be Continued...

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