Diane and Matrona!/ Part 1: Drunken Fighting and Bewear!

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3rd Person POV

Jackson was back in Britannia with Diane, Merlin, and Liz because they wanted to see their old friends again and he thought it was a great idea so he did the whole Alien-X interdimensional thing and Traveled to Brittania earlier! As soon as they arrived Diane nearly crushed her Captian (Meliodas) in a hug and Liz immediately was greeting everyone seemingly happier than ever!

Once the greetings were finished King told Diane that a Woman named Matrona has been waiting for her to arrive and she was at an old Quarry not too far from the dirt path and she give Jackson one last hug before walking off to see why she's here.

Then After she left They offered him some Valia Ale he kept refusing until he caved in because They kept insisting and there is like no drinking age law in Brittania. That's when he got Drunk for the first time and it was crazy!

Liz: "Hey Jackson I think you should lay off the Ale for a while."

Jackson: "No! I'm not drunk! it's just I may have drunken one or two many Bottles Of Ale! Many you look really beautiful And I would ask you out but My girlfriends would probably be very mad if I just did that without telling them so sorry!"

He was so drunk he can't even recognize her but she still found it very sweet that he would never cheat on any of them even while drunk!

Liz: "Oh That's so sweet!"

He was about to drink another one when Merlin snatched it from his hands and used her magic to keep it out of reach.

Jackson: "What are you doing!? That's my Ale!"

Merlin: "I also think You've had enough!"

Jackson: "... Um, Merlin have I ever told you how beautiful you are!? You really are Beautiful and when you dress like that I swear that I can't help but Look at you! So Beautiful!"

Merlin: "Aww thanks, Jackson! That's so sweet!"

Just then a large boom was heard outside and the entire tavern hooked as Everyone was fine except Jackson who confused!

Jackson: "What the fuck was that!?"

Merlin: "I think Diane might be Fighting-"

Jackson: "Fighting!? My Giantess is in trouble!!? Don't worry Baby I'm coming to help you!"

He then got up and tried to run out and knowing how powerful he is they all tried to pin him but turned into one of his Bulkiest forms (Bewear) and started dragging them along with them before shaking them all off and running at top speeds!! Incredibly fast for a giant living teddy bear!

He then got up and tried to run out and knowing how powerful he is they all tried to pin him but turned into one of his Bulkiest forms (Bewear) and started dragging them along with them before shaking them all off and running at top speeds!! Incre...

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J10's Bewear form!!

Over by the Quarry Diane was being pinned down by the Giant Hammer of her Master Matrona who is a former chieftess, and Current Warrior and so she had a smug grin on her face as she pinned her student down!

Over by the Quarry Diane was being pinned down by the Giant Hammer of her Master Matrona who is a former chieftess, and Current Warrior and so she had a smug grin on her face as she pinned her student down!

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Matrona: "Well I guess having out with this new man of yours must have made you weak! You ready to give up!?"

Diane: "I never give up! You taught me that!"

Matrona: "Wow. You really are my student. Now prepare to be-!"

She was then punched in the face by a Drunken J10 Beware and both of the Giantesses were shocked!!

Diane: "Jackson!!?"

 Matrona: "What the Hell!?"

He then jumped on her chest nearly crushing her lungs as he then powered up his right fist full of Ki and Chakra ready to karate chop her in the face he threw it down before...

Diane: "Jacksons stop that's my Friend!!"

His palm stopped just two inches from Matrona's face and he drunken stumbled off her falling to the ground and then turning to his Human form and Diane picked him up making sure he's okay while Matrona was just shocked!

Matrona: 'Wow! Did that Puny Human just beat me!? I mean I was caught off guard but wow!! Wait was is feeling!? I never felt this before! Wait is this what People call the feeling of love!? Am I in love with Him!!?!!"

To Be Continued...

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