RWBY VS Grimmjow!!/ Part 1- Mr. Cuddles Gone!!/ Bad News Everyone!!

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3rd Person POV

A/N: ( ) = Neo Holding up a sign

In the Team JNPR Dorm Pyrrha, Nora, Penny, and Neo were all talking (Or Holding signs) about how things have been going lately!! They were all Wearing the usual clothes (Pyrrha's Spartan Armor, Nora's pink dress, Penny's Green Dress, and Neo's New Pink, Brown, and white dress) and were all holding some soda cans as well.

Pyrrha: "...So that's when I had to beat the shit out of that Pervert who decided to smack my ass And let's just say by the time I finished he felt a spartan's wrath!!"

Girls: *Chuckles*

Neo: (That was Well deserved. Wouldn't It just be great if Jackson just swooped in and saved you though!?)

Pyrrha: "Yeah but I'm not a damsel in distress!! I'm a spartan where everyone even the woman is strong!!"

Nora: "Yeah you go, girl!!"

Pyrrha: "So Neo what was Your relationship to Roman anyways? Especially now since he reignited the whole Grimm army shtick!!"

Neo: (Well I can't say exactly but When we Find I want the first hit!!)

Penny: "I love all of my Friend Units so much!!"

Just then they heard some Crashing and then some stomping over to their room where Yang busted down the door seeming a bit pissed!!

Nora: "Hey Yang how are you doing!?"

Neo: *Facepalm*

Yang: *Seething* "Girls... Where... Is... Mr... Snuggles!!?"

Pyrrha, Nora, Penny/ Neo: "Who!?"/ (Who!?)

Yang: "My Teddybear!!! He's missing and if anyone hurts him I am going to obliterate them!!!"

Everyone was a bit unnerved by what she said by Neo just outright Paled as she knew what happened to Yang's teddybear!!!


Neo was doing team RWBY a Favor by washing their sheets for them but what she didn't know was when she when picking up Yang's sheet's she picked up her teddybear!! She moved them to the communal dorm washing room and when she did the Teddybear got ripped to a million bits and she just assumed a pillow just exploded!! When she found out it was the teddy bear she thought it was Ruby's and decided to not tell anyone to keep her feelings intact!!

End of Flashback!

Penny: "Calm down Friend Yang we'll help find Mr. snuggles for you!!"

Yang: *Happy now* "Thank you, Guys!!! You're some real great Help!!!"

Just then a Monkey's tail popped out of yang's Trousers and swung itself around like that of a Happy dog's!!

Pyrrha: "Hey Yang did you tail grow back!?"

Yang: "Huh? Oh Yeah!! It did!! I'm just surprised I didn't go great ape!!"

Nora: "Well I think we're all glad you didn't go great ape!!"

Neo: (Yep!!)

Pyrrha: "Well I personally want to fight this Great ape!! If it's such a dangerous creature I want to have your tail as a trophy!! I great trophy for a great Warrior Indeed!!"

Yang: *Nervous* "Hehehe... Okay, Pyrrha... That's a bit weird..."

Just then Ozpin came over the intercom!!

Ozpin: *Intercom* "Hello Can Team's RWBY, JNPR, And NP Please visit my office Please!! I have a mission for you!!"

Timeskip presented by Chibi Ozpin slowly sipping a cup of coffee...

Ruby: "So Ozzy what's going on!? We Can Always Help!!"

Jaune: "Yeah our teams are always ready!!"

Neo: (Yep!!)

Ozpin: *Sips coffee* "There seems to be a Magical, Skull wearing man in the desert not too far from here destroying some stuff screaming nonsensical things. He could just be releasing his anger but it's just too dangerous to just let happen."

Blake: "How dangerous can it be Ozpin!?"

Ozpin: "He destroyed a mountain in one shot with an energy beam!!"

RWBY/ JPNR/ NP: *Visible Shock and Fear* 

Ozpin: "Well I'll get Glynda and Jackson Ten to join you two soon but it will be a while so I suggest you get going."

RWBY/ JPNR/ NP: "Yes sir!" (Yes sir!)

They all then started walking through the door when Ozpin stopped Yang!

Yang: "What is it Ozpin!?"

Ozpin: "Ms. Xiao Long Make sure to keep the "Beast under control" but if the time/need calls it then you have my full permission to!!" *Smiles*

Yang: *Smiles as well* "Thanks!! Will do!!"

To Be Continued...

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