Juri's Rival!!/ Tsunade's Old Student!!/ Chun Li- Part 2

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3rd Person POV

Juri: "Purple Flame Cannon Fire!!!"

Li: "Water Style: Water Cannon!!!"

The two Blasts hit each other and Blew up a Veil of Steam which making the Area really resemble the Hidden mist Villiage!! Li laid her hand on the ground to sense the vibrations in the ground around her when Juri Jumped from above her and Tried Kicking her!!

Juri: "Fire Style: Explosive Kick!!!"

She throws a Kick at Li's face Knocking her to the side as her face was covered with soot!!

Li: "Water Style: "Water Whip!!!"

She Created a whip made out of some water and started swinging it at Juri as she dodged but she kept getting bleeding cuts all across her Body!! Li then continued to up the Anti with an even more dangerous whip to use!!

Li: "Water Style: Water Whip- Cat of Nine Tails!!!"

She then began cutting Juri up some more as She then summoned 2 Clones which Li hit with ease only for those two continue to run at her and started to blow up like Balloons!! As they then tackle her to the ground Juri revealed what they are!!

Juri: "You fool!! They're Explosive Clones!!

Li: "What!?"

Then... BOOM!!!! They explode in her face as Juri landed onto the ground!!

Juri: "Well That was Fun!!" *The Smoke clears* "W-What!?"

Li stood there on the ground covered in dust, smoke, and Soot!!\

Li: "Nice try but I Can Still Fight!!"

Juri: "Well damn!! No Wonder why you had so Much stamina!!"

li: *Blushing* "SHUT UP!!!"

They both pulled out some Kunai and started attacking each other slashing each other with dozens of Cuts and Bleeding as they Fired their Next Attack!!

Juri: "Purple Flame Cannon Fire!!!" *Fired Multiple Purple Fire Balls*

Li: "Water Style: Water Whip- Cat of Nine Tails!!!"

They Attacks hit each other basically blew each other up into another massive explosion of smoke!! Juri was Looking for Where Li jumped out and stabbed her in the leg with a Kunai immobilizing her to the ground!!

Li: "Finally I got you!!"

Just then Yuri Poofed into nothing Revealing she was Shadowclone and the real one escaped during the explosion!!

Li: "What!? GODDAMNIT!!!!"

She then noticed a note pinned to a tree left behind!!

Li: "A Note!?"

She then started reading it!!

Juri's Note: "Well This was fun and for a Clue, for you to find me I am heading towards a city of gold deep Underground in Konoha!! Also If you wanna do "That" Again after the first time we fought then I would be More than Pleased!! XOXO Signed Juri Han!!"

Li: *Turns Bright Pink* "S-SHUT UP JURI!!! GODDAMN IT!!!!"

To Be Continued...

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