The Lizard of Hate!!!/ Part 1- Keter Rampage!!!

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3rd Person POV

In Some Wastelands, in the Middle of Nowhere, A massive Lizard like Monster was Eating the Carcass Of a Hiker who Unfortantley Encountered him!! This Monster is "SCP-682"  Otherwise known as "The Hard To Destroy Reptile" (We'll Just call him 682) And he had Recently escaped containment Seeking Anything Living that he can Slaughter in a Pool of Blood!!!

In Some Wastelands, in the Middle of Nowhere, A massive Lizard like Monster was Eating the Carcass Of a Hiker who Unfortantley Encountered him!! This Monster is "SCP-682"  Otherwise known as "The Hard To Destroy Reptile" (We'll Just call him 682) ...

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A/N: Imagine him in The Wastelands instead of inside a Building!!

682: "Ah what a Delicious Feeding!! But now I must go on the Hunt Again!! But Damnit there's nothing Around here to Kill!!! Why did my containment center have to be in the middle of Nowhere!?"

Just then he saw some bright lights in the Distance and He became quite interested!!

682: "Hmmm... Light's must Mean Life!!! Hello, Death I'm coming!!!"

In the Distance that was Esdeath who was Training Chibiusa, Yachiru, Kanna, and Wendy and they chose the middle of nowhere because they can do all of their most powerful attacks and do no harm to Anybody!!

Esdeath: "Ice-Make: Ice Blizzard!!!"

Yachiru: "Bankai!!!"

Chibiusa: "Pink Sugar Heart Attack!!!"

Kanna: "Dragon's Breath."

Wendy: "Sky Dragon Attack: "Hurricane!!!"

All of their Attacks Combined to Make another Massive explosion that can be seen from Miles Away!!

Esdeath: "Good Job girls!! I swear you 4 are just getting better!!!"

Yachiru/Chibiusa/ Wendy/ Kanna: "Yeah!!/ Yeah."

Just then Chibiusa started getting a bad feeling going to down her Spine as She ran over and pushed Esdeath out of the way as 682 Jumped at her and nearly chomped her head off!!! The Monster Landed on his feet and looked at them with Absolute Disgust!!

682: "Blah... Such Disgusting Living things!! I wish they could all die underneath my Claws!!  Absolutely disgusting!!

Esdeath: "Um... Who exactly are you!?"

682: "Oh Excuse me but My name is SCP-682!! But you may call me 682!! Now Can all of you Please Die!? That Would Be Wonderful!!"

Esdeath: "How about no!?"

682: "Oh what a Disappointment... Guess I have to kill all 5 of you myself..."

Esdeath: "Chibiusa use that Transmission thing you've been Practicing to get out of here and Get some Help!! I'll Hold Him off!!"

Chibiusa: "Got it!!"

As Chibiusa got the other girls out of there and Esdeath prepared her First attack!!!

Esdeath: "Ice-Make: Ice Sword Storm!!!"

Esdeath summons a Thousand Ice swords and Fired it at 682 completely freezing him over (and the ground around him) by contact!!

Esdeath: "Ice-Make: Ice Hammer!!!"

Esdeath then summoned a Large Ice Hammer and Smashed 682 two with it breaking him into a million pieces!!

Esdeath: "Huh!? That was Easier than I thought!!"

She was Proven wrong when 682 regrew and reformed his entire body from all of those Borken Pieces and Laughed!!

682: "Man what A Rush!!! Wanna do that Again!?"

Esdeath: *Gulp* "Oh No..."

682: "Hehehehehe... Hahahahahaha... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Oh Yeah...!!"

Just then 682 felt a Hand on his Shoulder and Looked behind him!!


It was Gogiti (If you can't remember Fem Gogito) and Wendy was there too!!

Esdeath: "Thank God for your Here!! But Wendy why are you here!?"

Wendy: "I wanted to Help!!!"

Gogiti: *Goes Super Saiyan* "You wanna touch my family then you have to get past me first you Giant Carcass son of a Bitch!!!"

682: "Oh... So you got any other One in Ya!?"

Gogiti: "Stop it!!!"

Gogiti: "Scatter Finger Beam!!! Stardust Breaker!!!"

Wendy: "Sky Dragon Attack: Razor Wind!!!"

Esdeath: "Ice-Make: Ice Sword Storm!!!"

682: "Oh This is Gonna be fun...!!!"

To Be Continued...

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